
No, it was someting like someone looking like NOTMAN when being really drunk or something..
Your right, I remember him saying something about, they got the face from _____________, when he woke up with a really bad hangover. I'll have to watch it to remember! I'll let you know, I'll have to go back to Wyoming to retrieve that video.
Like I said, I'll have to travel back to my parents house to retrieve that video but I'd be willing to make a copy for you if you would like. Let me know if you would like a copy, I'll have to grab my POV as well. You know, persistence on video! It has all their video's basically, and some great interviews! My favorite quote is from Charlie "Look at all these old pictures, Scott had hair back then! He didn't go bald, he just shaved his head!"
Yep it does,and that is not the end of all problems. It is probably a PAL version. Here in europe everything is in VHS format.
I know their plugs are different than ours so you can't blowdry your hair. I've never left the country though, unless you count Mexico, which you probably shouldn't because 1. you can drive there and 2. because most border agents are too lazy to search your car, you can do whatever the fuck you want anyway. Well, five years ago you could. I'm sure they actually do their jobs now. At least, I HOPE they do. LOL

Why the HELL do we need different formats?
wouldn't it be easier for everyone if there was international standars. ONE freaking format that could be seen by everyone,everywere!!

I did some research, this is what i found out:

There are three major television standards in the world (NTSC, PAL & SECAM) and there are variations of these standards (M-PAL, N-PAL and MESECAM). Because of these multiple standards, videotapes from certain foreign countries must be converted to the American television standard format (NTSC) in order to be played back on American video cassette recorders (VCRs). Likewise, videotapes recorded in the American format (NTSC) must be converted to another format (usually PAL or SECAM) in order to be viewed on that country's equipment.

I have one question.

Why can't people get along?
PAL is what those European/Aussie, and I do believe most of South Americans have instead of VHS. And for whatever reason, they do not transfer well. I've got some 1st generation bootlegs converted from PAL, and it looks like a VHS boot that has about 5 generations on it. I don't remember it being that bad when you transferred beta to vhs, so the problem must lie in whatever kind of wires you have to patch from one to the other. I'm assuming it is not as simple as just using standard old rca jacks.
augdawg2, you don't happen to have the equipment needed to get the N.F.V into digital format do you?
That would rule!!