Novembers Doom CDs - High price Collector's items?


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
So I was doing a search on
This site supposedly has more rare items than ebay and the like.
Searching for Novembers Doom, I came across this one seller who is selling both "The Knowing" and "To Welcome the Fade" for $156.00 each!!!!

If I ever can't make a car payment, I guess I know I can pawn off my Novembers Doom CDs!!! hehehehe
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
I get the distinct impression that it was meant to be $15.60 in fact! I see someone is selling one of the old "Knowing" promo postcards there....haven't seen one of those in a while.

I don't know. I guess it is possible.
I have seen some pretty crazy prices for things on there.

Or I guess it could be that someone overseas may not properly convert to US currency.

Anyhow, I had to chuckle when I saw those prices.

Now, if only I could get my hands on a copy of "Reflecting the Grey Dusk"...................
BlackwaterNymph said:
I think I'll buy "To Welcome the Face". Sounds super rare.

Face it, they (Novembers Doom) should never have let the demo versions of their recordings leave those four studiowalls. Now someone did get his/her hands on them and sells 'm on the internet!

Those working titles are weird, aren't they. "To Welcome The Face" was the second working title during their time in the studio. They changed it in "Fade" during the mastering-process. "To Sit On Your Face" was the actual first working title during recording.

There's also a very rare pre-mixing version of "The Knowing" called "The Wowing" and the pre-production version of "The Pale Haunt Departure" is know as "The Pure Art Path Deeluna" :rock:
A funny story, when mixing To Welcome the Fade, all the songs entered into the mixing consoles computer had a drug theme going. Example: Not my Bong, Token', Lost in a Haze, Without my Hash, Puff Forever, The Marijuana Seed, The Cannabis Cigarette, Pot Fields for Brilliance. I forgot was Torn was. Maybe Neil remembers these?
Novembers Paul said:
A funny story, when mixing To Welcome the Fade, all the songs entered into the mixing consoles computer had a drug theme going. Example: Not my Bong, Token', Lost in a Haze, Without my Hash, Puff Forever, The Marijuana Seed, The Cannabis Cigarette, Pot Fields for Brilliance. I forgot was Torn was. Maybe Neil remembers these?

Soooooooo......... what did you do in the studio to pass (the doobie) in the studio?????????? hahaha..