Now bandless :-( First idea post band please listen/critique.


Nov 9, 2006
Hi guys,

My band split not so long ago and after a brief hiatus from the guitar I decided to pick it up again and this is the result. It's only a nights work so it's not finished/finalized yet but so far I'm happy.

I'm pretty new to recording and still learning (still have miles to go but this place has helped me so much so far) so don't be too harsh ;-)

Guitars are pod xt and drums are the usual slate/superior 2.0 NO BASS as I don't have one yet but it's the next thing on my list. The mix may be bass heavy i'm not sure as my monitors/room is probably the worst layout possible.

Any help from more experienced members would be taken on board and muchly appreciated.


I like it drums are maybe a tad loud though snare could use more crack imo and kick a bit more bass and depth, but not a bad mix at all, I hear whitechapel in there a bit and the riff that comes in at 56 seconds is very whitechapel, but really digging the sound generally, awesome riffs, nice leads, could maybe just use a bit more punch cant comment too much on the mix as i'm no expert but as for quality of riffage I give you a gold star sir :kickass:
Thanks for the comment mate. It's always good to get other peoples opinions after they hear it on different systems so thanks! I must admit I tend to have drums far too loud in my mixes as I've always been a huge fan of drum-led cd's. As for the whitechapel influence is it that obvious? ha kinda on a bit of a deathcore trip at the minute an I guess it's showing. Once again thanks for listening.
Thanks for the comment mate. It's always good to get other peoples opinions after they hear it on different systems so thanks! I must admit I tend to have drums far too loud in my mixes as I've always been a huge fan of drum-led cd's. As for the whitechapel influence is it that obvious? ha kinda on a bit of a deathcore trip at the minute an I guess it's showing. Once again thanks for listening.

ha ha its not that obvious at all mate, I love whitechapel but this has a bit more speed to it which makes it a bit more interesting imo, and coming from a hardcore fanatic take it as a compliment bud, keep up the good work your definately on the right track with this one get a new band and keep this sound, its bruuuutal :headbang: