"Now playing" thread (for a change)

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Profånity said:
Yes they are you dumb bastard. The self titled album Entombed which is a compilation of Entombed singles and ep's has them on in the exact same order as I said. This is the order of the tracks:
Don't try and be clever, it ends up making you look stupid.

Well Shoot Bubba, Aint least I aint English!

I'm sure all of these nevermore posters think my posts
are dumber than yours!

Prince Charles is a homo.
That Diana, What a piece of ass she was!!!

She was a real hottie.
Boy, I would have loved to have tapped that royal booty!

Here's to Ya My English Wanker buddy!

Profånity said:
Yes they are you dumb bastard. The self titled album Entombed which is a compilation of Entombed singles and ep's has them on in the exact same order as I said. This is the order of the tracks:

No. Name
1 Out Of Hand
2 God Of Thunder
3 Black Breath
4 Stranger Aeons
5 Dusk
6 Shreds Of Flesh
7 Crawl
8 Forsaken
9 Bitter Loss
10 Night Of The Vampire
11 State Of Emergency
12 Vandal X

This is where you can learn about that Entombed album:

Don't try and be clever, it ends up making you look stupid.

look - more fucking evidence that he justs posts playlists - its like a confession really - go to the FUCK OFF thread and vote now! :D - um, im serious, please vote.
FretsAflame said:
look - more fucking evidence that he justs posts playlists - its like a confession really - go to the FUCK OFF thread and vote now! :D - um, im serious, please vote.

You've raised a good point my shredding good buddy.
Voting is a true representation of Democracy in America
and it is a just and prudent action that brings the winds
of resolve. It is our duty as patriotic Americans to exercise
our voices and our Freedom and vote.
That's one thing that seperates this great nation and those
English Bloody Wanker Bubbas....
I would not have been President if it were not for my love of
Freedom and Megadeth's timeless "Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?"
I voted last night bubba, I wish I could vote again.

Did you know that the Queen has a penis? Its True.

Smoke Weed and Dont Tread on Me Bubba

Profånity said:
Weed is a sissy drug.

You know my bloody english wanker buddy I admire your enthusiasm.
I do. I think it's great. But's let talk sissy. You live in England,
and that's a pretty sissy country. Your Prince Charles, now he's what
I'd call a major pussy sissy. Manchester United? Isnt that the team
that David Beckham used to play for? They're sissies without that
prime time bubba, tea and crumpets is pretty sissy if you ask me.

And I get more ass than a toilet seat my english bloody wanker bullocks bubba buddy!

Puff Puff Give my English Bloody Wanker buddy bubba

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Bill Clinton said:
You've raised a good point my shredding good buddy.
Voting is a true representation of Democracy in America
and it is a just and prudent action that brings the winds
of resolve. It is our duty as patriotic Americans to exercise
our voices and our Freedom and vote.
That's one thing that seperates this great nation and those
English Bloody Wanker Bubbas....
I would not have been President if it were not for my love of
Freedom and Megadeth's timeless "Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?"
I voted last night bubba, I wish I could vote again.

Did you know that the Queen has a penis? Its True.

Smoke Weed and Dont Tread on Me Bubba


word on that - the english suck.

And why do you keep calling me your shreddin buddy - do you just want everyone to notice you're a porn star? C'mon man! - Everyone knows that you run videos outta yer basement playa!! :D :lol:
Bill Clinton said:
You know my bloody english wanker buddy I admire your enthusiasm.
I do. I think it's great. But's let talk sissy. You live in England,
and that's a pretty sissy country. Your Prince Charles, now he's what
I'd call a major pussy sissy. Manchester United? Isnt that the time
that David Beckham used to play for? They're sissies without that
prime time bubba, tea and crumpets is pretty sissy if you ask me.

And I get more ass than a toilet seat my english bloody wanker bullocks bubba buddy!

Puff Puff Give my English Bloody Wanker buddy bubba


Beckham isn't with Manchester... i think he went to madrid for an assload of money.

I'd do his wife any day.
FretsAflame said:
word on that - the english suck.

And why do you keep calling me your shreddin buddy - do you just want everyone to notice you're a porn star? C'mon man! - Everyone knows that you run videos outta yer basement playa!! :D :lol:

Everybody's my buddy bubba. Y'all can smoke my weed with me!
No, Profanity's my english bloody wanker buddy.

You my axe shredding 6 string heavy metal rockin long hair buddy bubba

I make home movies. I like home movies, I really do.
They're the spirit of America.

Only in America can you rock out with your cock out
God Bless America.

FretsAflame said:
Beckham isn't with Manchester... i think he went to madrid for an assload of money.

I'd do his wife any day.

I think he left Manchester cause they're a bunch of sissies, right

His wife? She's delicious isn't she? Sweeter than a georgia peach on
a summer day mmmm mmmm I would love to tap that ass.

Bill Clinton said:
I think he left Manchester cause they're a bunch of sissies, right

His wife? She's delicious isn't she? Sweeter than a georgia peach on
a summer day mmmm mmmm I would love to tap that ass.


me too
Ecstatic Youth said:
So? Should be all do blow or something? F that. Weed is great.

God Bless Weed.

Listen Y'all my Southern Stoned Ass can't figure out what that little
circle is over the A is in Profanity's user name.

Is it like those little dots over Motley Crue's name?
I love those guys, they get as much poontang as I do.

Can someone tell me please?

I wish the Secret Service would hurry up and bring me my ho's...

Bill Clinton said:
You live in England,
and that's a pretty sissy country. Your Prince Charles, now he's what
I'd call a major pussy sissy. Manchester United? Isnt that the team
that David Beckham used to play for? They're sissies without that
prime time bubba, tea and crumpets is pretty sissy if you ask me.

Everything you say is true. Because England is such a sissy country, you see people wherever you go smoking weed.
lofl. i rate countries "coolness" by whether or not smoking marijuana is prevalent. you fucking dolt. get the hint. you ARENT welcome. im not sure whats left to do. you make me wanna fly to manchester, find you, and throw you in front of those unhetero double busses.
im giving you about a week to leave, or im leaving.
Profånity said:
Everything you say is true. Because England is such a sissy country, you see people wherever you go smoking weed.

Mr Profanity my English Bloody Sod Wanker Bubba Buddy, the truth as I
see it is we have to smoke weed so we won't be utter disgusted
by all of the bad teeth the english bubbas have or be repulsed by the
sheer amount of bad breath the english bubbas have. Some mouths
are dirtier than cat litter bubba. I could never understand why
everything was closed on Sunday and closed so early during the week.
And the food in england is so bland and tasteless all you English wanker
bubbas have to put tons of mayonnaise on everything. Tell Mr Profanity
my English Bloody Wanker Bubba Buddy, why are people in England
wear their pijamas at the pubs on New Years Eve? Tell Me why is that?
Did you know I was President of the United States? I was the 42nd
President. I was also a Rhodes Scholar in England.And I learned that
y'all English Bloody Wanker Bubbas or as you like to call yourself,
Britons think Americans are stupid, yet you love our pop-culture,
and moreover you fail to realize that if indeed there is something
wrong with America, it's all your fucking fault, cause England created US.
I could never learn how to dunk donuts into the tea. Why do y'all
Briton bubbas drink tea? You cant dunk donuts in tea. Man United
is what you call your football team but to me, a Rhodes Scholar,
it sounds more like the Man-Boy Love Association(NAMBLA) .
Just a Thought my English Bloody Wanker Sod Bubba Buddy.
I think I should be the next Prime Minister of England. You have
crap health care, crap police, Crap Education, Crap minimum wage,
low prosperity, Dirty shit all over the place, sky-high taxes.
I think England needs Bill Clinton. I really do. I could bless the Queen
with my skin septor oh except for one reason, she's got a penis.
You know, I thought I was grabbing on some clam down there
and found a muscle instead. Do you get that my English Bloody Wanker
Sod Buddy? Clams and Mussles,a muscle? like a love muscle? oh forget it.
You English Wanker Bubbas know nothin about nookie. That must
be why y'all are so unhappy and unbelievably queer.
Y'all dont know what to do with your 'sex pistols' ...those poor gals.
I woke up this morning and I smoked 2 joints. I love weed, I really do.
I'm going to go put on my Metallica records now....I'm in the mood
for some moshing and some headbanging. The Secret Service usually
joins in.

So, yes, in short, England's a pretty big sissy country. yes sir. yes indeed.

Ta Ta My English Bloody Wanker Sod Bubba Buddy,

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