Nuclear Blast Anthrax Merchandise..


New Metal Member
Nov 19, 2004
Why can some of that cool ass shit make it over to the Nuclear Blast America site for easy ordering?? The NBA redirects you to Century Media which really blows. There's nothing there. I'd love to get ahold of one of those Greater of Two Evils hooded sweatshirt and some other stuff. Anthrax really needs to do something to make the cool merch that's available around the world more accessible to us die hards in the States.

I'm sure I could order the stuff through the main NB site but it's hard to deal with being all i German and all the prices in Euros, etc...

GREATER OF TWO EVILS ROCKS! (thanks to VH1!) I'll be picking it up on release day!
it isn't the fact that I have to translate some of the german. it is the fact that for one hoodie and that disk with the extra tracks, you are paying 28 euro for charges on top of the prices for the two items which then converted in dollars is way too much. ON top of that, the time for it to ship is like it was travelling by sea snail.:Smug:
I know what you mean. It was (and usually is) the same problem here in Europe. There is allways merch, that I only get in the US. (like the Motorhead watch, the Metal Trashing Mad shirt or the "Anthrax-Band-in-Flames-Shirt, etc.) Sometimes some clever guys sell these things on ebay (europe). I asked a small onlineshop who sold things from the US to import me some shirts and a watch. It worked perfect, but it wasn't cheap and I had to wait a long time.
Since Anthrax is with Nuclear Blast, Anthrax-Merch is easier to get here, but years ago (90ies), it was a Lottery to get a shirt in record-shops. Whenever Anthrax came to my town, I bought as much merch as I could carry (and pay).
The sad thing is, you get all the mainstream-shit on every corner. Manowar, Metallica, Korn, blabla. But even these days, when many fans buy Anthrax-Albums at the moment here in Europe, it's difficult to get merch (except at NB).
One of the biggest german metal-online-shops hasn't even ONE shirt of anthrax :-( But about half a million of Mama'o'war.

Well, on the other side, I'm glad beeing on my monthly metal-gig beeing the only one wearing an Anthrax Shirt. It's funny seeing 10 guys wearing the same metallica (or whatever)-shirt.

Sometimes people talk to me and say,"hey, Anthrax. Cool Band!"
I'm not sure, but I think, this would never happen to a guy with a metallic-shirt.

I wish you good luck finding the new Anthrax merch (may sanctuary wake up at last!)