Nuclear blast deluxe edition.

Yeah, it's a really good buy, it comes with a feature where you put it on your computer, and it has the video for Deadnight Warrior, rare pictures, and cool wallpapers.
have both the deluxe and normal, I like the normal better just for the hidden keyboard solo. The deluxe version cuts it out, but its still a good buy for the two cover songs and the video.
Yeah, and who hasn't already seen the Deadnight Warrior video + heard the covers? Any edition of Something Wild is a good buy. ;D
If you don't have the album and you stumble across this, I suggest you buy it. I HATE the Nuclear Blast reiussues with a passion, mainly for their butchering of the beautiful art work. BUT, These albums are almost impossible to find otherwise, so if you can't ahold of the original, it's better than nothing.

Some of the newer Re-issues are better (Death, Immortal) because they come with bonus DVDs of concerts. But the older ones (Bodom, In Flames)?, I don't think a screen saver is worth destroying an album's artwork. Cheers!
I don't think anyone really cares about the screensavers, but maybe they care a bit more about the music videos and cover tracks included in the special editions? Also, how does drawing a small silver border with "Deluxe Edition" written in it, classify as 'butchering'?