Nuendo 3 outboard question


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So, I'm using Nuendo 3 at the moment and trying to configure my Millennia STT-1 as a virtual vst insert channel strip. However, Nuendo doesn't seem to let you create an 'External FX' bus that corresponds to inputs and outputs you've already got enabled.

For instance, I have the Millennia coming in on 'In 2' and I've got the daw sending to its line-in on 'Out 7'. Since both are already assigned in the ins and outs, it won't allow me to use those same I/Os to set the Millennia up as a realtime 'External FX' unit.

How do I get around this? I want to use the Millennia as a plug-in AND alternatively as a simple mic preamp (understanding of course that I could only do one or the other at any one time). Nuendo seemingly won't let me do this.