Nuendo question


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
Ok, I have a project that I want to to a couple of dvd-r's or something. Problem is, with the amount of work I've done on the project, it's sitting at like 25Gb worth of space. So, knowing I only need the final mix stems, and wanting to keep the original shit (basically getting rid of any fluff from when I first tracked the project and when I finished it).

So I'm wondering whats the best way to do this?
There is File->Cleanup. Problem with this is I don't know what or why it decided these tracks are what I should be deleting.
I also found that when I load a project...the last one I saved, for instance...I can open the "pool" for that project file and it has a folder layout. When I open the "audio" folder, it lists a fuckload of files, but it also says which files are used and how many times, etc.

What I'm asking is "How do you do this?" and if you use the pool method, is it pretty safe to just delete what isn't coming up as used? Otherwise, I'm going through hundreds of files, backing them up, deleting the original, seeing if it fucks up my project, if it does then reloading it...I want to be spared that trouble.

Any advice on this?
Not sure if this is what your asking but, If you do File -> save project to new folder, then check the 'Delete unused files' box, that should just leave you with the files in the pool that you've used. Hope that helps
Bounce each one of your tracks to one continuous files, go to the pool, remove all unused media, empty the trash, and either save the project to a new folder, or delete all previous projects (in exception to the most recent one!!!!). After doing this, you can do the clean up and delete everything that's there. :)
check this out, this is the absolute fastest and easiest way to back up a project. it works with any workflow style (saving each song as a project in its own folder so each song has its own audio folder, or saving each song as a npr file and the entire cd shares the same audio folder)

open your song
file->save to new folder

select minimize edits
and select remove unused audio
(dont select freeze edits)
(i am pretty sure the above options are actually titled something else, but you get the idea)

then choose an EMPTY folder somewhere.

now if you were to give that folder to someone, or burn it on to a dvd, it will contain everything your project needs to open for someone else, or your self. if you have imported audio from random places on different drives, it will chuck those into the project's audio folder anyways.

if you are trying to save space, delete old source location, and just keep the new folder.

no need to do a clean up or anything like that (which i might add kinda of sucks, i've lost entire takes because of it before).

Ok, I have a project that I want to to a couple of dvd-r's or something. Problem is, with the amount of work I've done on the project, it's sitting at like 25Gb worth of space. So, knowing I only need the final mix stems, and wanting to keep the original shit (basically getting rid of any fluff from when I first tracked the project and when I finished it).

So I'm wondering whats the best way to do this?
There is File->Cleanup. Problem with this is I don't know what or why it decided these tracks are what I should be deleting.
I also found that when I load a project...the last one I saved, for instance...I can open the "pool" for that project file and it has a folder layout. When I open the "audio" folder, it lists a fuckload of files, but it also says which files are used and how many times, etc.

What I'm asking is "How do you do this?" and if you use the pool method, is it pretty safe to just delete what isn't coming up as used? Otherwise, I'm going through hundreds of files, backing them up, deleting the original, seeing if it fucks up my project, if it does then reloading it...I want to be spared that trouble.

Any advice on this?
oh and one more thing

during your session you should try regularly going into the pool and hitting, "remove unused media" and select "go to trash" on the pop up.

this puts everything unused into the trash. you can keep doing it through the session, and the trash piles up but still exists.

once you're done tracking for that project, go back into the pool and empty the trash and choose erase.

about file cleanup:
file clean up examines the npr, bak, cpr, and csh files in your project folder and grabs the names of the files those projects reference. if those project pools contain a reference to a file, clean up ignores it (to protect you from deleting something you need). clean up fails to realize what "takes" were bad so it really doesnt remove a whole lot. clean up can also delete something you need if you have a certain situation with your project files and audio folders. im not sure exactley what the situation is, but there is a scenario where you could end up losing files you need by accidentally choosing all the files clean up lists to delete. clean up is also a pain because you have to open every project and mess with its pool... which is a pain in the ass sometimes because pools can get buggy (like not letting you remove a take).

Ok, I have a project that I want to to a couple of dvd-r's or something. Problem is, with the amount of work I've done on the project, it's sitting at like 25Gb worth of space. So, knowing I only need the final mix stems, and wanting to keep the original shit (basically getting rid of any fluff from when I first tracked the project and when I finished it).

So I'm wondering whats the best way to do this?
There is File->Cleanup. Problem with this is I don't know what or why it decided these tracks are what I should be deleting.
I also found that when I load a project...the last one I saved, for instance...I can open the "pool" for that project file and it has a folder layout. When I open the "audio" folder, it lists a fuckload of files, but it also says which files are used and how many times, etc.

What I'm asking is "How do you do this?" and if you use the pool method, is it pretty safe to just delete what isn't coming up as used? Otherwise, I'm going through hundreds of files, backing them up, deleting the original, seeing if it fucks up my project, if it does then reloading it...I want to be spared that trouble.

Any advice on this?