Importing nuendo 3 files into cubase 4...

Jun 2, 2005
Is this even possible? i do know about going from cubase files to nuendo files, but once you have done that you cannot reverse the process.

But seeing as how cubase 4 is the newest host from steinberg, i somehow am afraid that i can not import all my nuendo 3 project files into cubase 4.
Google did not help either.



:lol: All is well.
Good news Kev.. thanks!

Be weary, though... At least with Cubase 4 Studio, I can't import and SX3 or N3 project without losing the click track entirely. Like... it just doesn't work.

Damnation andeth curses!
I have such weird click tracks on my TGM stuff, i don't think i could redo them manually by hand, i guess i would have to install nuendo again, take snapshots of all the clicktrack points and manually redo them in cubase if this happens to me as well. :erk:
You can import a tempo track just fine... it's weird.

When I open a CX3 project in C4, everything is fine. Tempo, markers, audio files lineup, etc, etc.

But, when I turn the metronome on... it's silent.
^ Are you sure it's routed correctly. Try opening Vst connections and clicking under click so that you get another click :lol:

also check if it's selected as audio or midi when you enter metronome setup.