Weird problem with the fireface 400 and nuendo... can't monitor.

last interfaces i had were a 1st rev m-box and a m-audio delta 192.
when i first got my ff400 i did two things: play trains by pt and it was a night
and day difference, then i plugged my xt in and thought it lacked some meat.
after some fistclenching and toothgrinding i somehow got around the fact,
that the RME, in fact, sounds way less boxy, the overall sound is just remarkable. same with your clip, i suppose the rme is first, then the slightly louder and midrangier m-audio. after first listen i would prefer the m-audio, after five replays i'd prefer the RME. my 2c.
I share you pain....I want to fucking blow up some shit trying to get my Presonus Firestudio to work. 3 days later and 3 cards later I finally got it to work... :heh:
Yup.. that's how these things go i suppose...

Trym, heads up.. the first part of that clip is the M-audio, second part of that clip is the RME... lol, not much difference though, i had to turn up the volume of the M-audio clip a bit, so you hear a wee bit of clipping on that.. but im just glad i got it to sound equal now, slight difference but a small bridge to cross.
Yup.. that's how these things go i suppose...

Trym, heads up.. the first part of that clip is the M-audio, second part of that clip is the RME... lol, not much difference though, i had to turn up the volume of the M-audio clip a bit, so you hear a wee bit of clipping on that.. but im just glad i got it to sound equal now, slight difference but a small bridge to cross.

Besides the volume increase for the Audiophile track, is there any-post processing on either of those two clips, Rob?
My ff800 was also pretty plug and play.
Haven't had a problem with it yet, hope it works out in the end.
And i think the m-audio converters are something you got used to, i don't think the ff ones should sound less unless you have broken one ;)
I've had the F800 for years with no problems. The F400 aswell at one point. Some problems like this do crop up which is usually down to a simple fader somewhere which needs to be brought up.

Alot of it is in the fireface mixer. In the screenshots you have it looks like you have PH L & PH R or something like that selected. Is that your main output?

Ignore the windows volume panel stuff - the fireface should override all that so it won't let you move it. Or its like that on mine anyway.

OK nm i just read that you sorted it haha. Are you using direct monitorin by the way? If you're just using if for the pod then you may aswell so you don't have to worry about latency.
I've had the F800 for years with no problems. The F400 aswell at one point. Some problems like this do crop up which is usually down to a simple fader somewhere which needs to be brought up.

Alot of it is in the fireface mixer. In the screenshots you have it looks like you have PH L & PH R or something like that selected. Is that your main output?

Ignore the windows volume panel stuff - the fireface should override all that so it won't let you move it. Or its like that on mine anyway.

OK nm i just read that you sorted it haha. Are you using direct monitorin by the way? If you're just using if for the pod then you may aswell so you don't have to worry about latency.

Thanks... i did get it sorted quite a bit, and and did not try direct monitoring yet, thanks for the tip!

Nwright, correct.. second part is the RME.