Question for Nuendo/delta 44 users.

iron harvest

New Metal Member
Aug 7, 2003

I dont usually post here, but I always check out the forum - lots of good tips and so on.

Anyway, I have a specific problem that I would like some advice on.

I recently reformatted my pc, and reinstalled my hardware, an M-Audio delta 4/4, and my early copy of Nuendo.

Problem is, it reset my hardware/software preferences, and now I'm having problems with my monotoring via Nuendo. I previously had it set up in such a way that when nuendo was open, it would only monitor a track when the button was activated. Since the reformat, however, I have an unwanted reverb effect as I hear the sound once and then again through nuendo's monitoring....its driving me up the wall. I've been trying every combination of hardware/software configuration, but I cant seem to fix it. My suspicion is that it relates to the hardware settings, possibly the function to monitor through a programe.

Anyway, I imagine this setup must be pretty common, so if anyone has any suggestions I'd be most grateful.