had a big PC crash.. who can help me?

Jun 2, 2005
allright guys, i had this big ass crash with my PC about a month ago.. black screen and everything, did nothing..

so reinstalled windows XP on my PC over the old one which contained a fault that made it crash.. that was two days ago, and everything seems okay now.. installed my audio card again, video card.. only thing is, nuendo won't work.. (the rest of the software wont work either, but i was warned for that, and as soon as i reinstall the software, it should be okay)...

But nuendo misses this file: Dac32.dll

without it, it wont start.. so my question is, if i reinstall nuendo 2 over the old nuendo 2, will i keep my settings made in the previous nuendo 2??
and if not, where can i find those settings? so i can make a backup and save them before i reinstall it, and then put them back where they should be.. is that possible?

Thanks in advance!!