Number of the Beast cover

Pharaoh Eddie said:
Check out this site to hear an "interesting" cover of Maiden's Number of the Beast. Funny thing is, a friend randomly emailed me the link to check out this movie, and I wasn't really paying attention to the background music. But then I heard the chorus, and I was like, "WHAT THE...?!?" :tickled:

Odd indeed! Recently saw this movie on the shelf at Blockbuster, didn't know there was any Maiden music in it... wondered why I had never heard of it with all the stars in the cast... was it ever released theatrically or just straight to video?
CrankYanker said:
Well, this acoustic version piqued my curiosity so I checked out the movie on IMDB. The movie messageboarders say that the song is performed by Zwan, but not Billy Corgan singing.
I think somebody on this board mentioned a Zwan cover of NOTB awhile back (Keyser perhaps?)
Hey CrankYanker, thanks for the info. I found out that Corgan was credited with the song, but was confused because it didn't sound like his voice. Now it makes sense.

I didn't even know the movie had come out, I thought the site was promoting a soon-to-be-released movie. :grin:
Pharaoh Eddie said:
I didn't even know the movie had come out, I thought the site was promoting a soon-to-be-released movie. :grin:
Although the movie subject matter looks like it may be it a bit of a downer, the film may be worth checking out for the cameos. The full cast listing includes some rock stars. Billy Corgan... as the doctor, Deborah Harry... as the neighbor, and ROB HALFORD as... ... the porn clerk!:yow:
Rented the (I believe unrated) uncensored directors version of SPUN and watched it last night. The somber, acoustic NOTB is at the beginning, kinda setting the tone about speed, which could metaphorically be 'the beast'. Entertaining and very funny in some parts, giving a slice of life of the speed freaks. The soundtrack is really quite good, and the movie has some very cool cutting and interesting images throughout, depicting what goes on in the user's heads. The acting is excellent for the most part, especially Mickey Rourke. For rock stars, Debbie Harry has an interesting character and some good scenes. Rob Halford has a few scenes, but doesn't really do anything special. I would recommend it if you are interested, and if very explicit drug abuse and resulting chaos doesn't bother you. Beware: in the uncensored version there is some disturbingly graphic needle use and sexual deviance. I would think the rated version would be a little tamer. In reviews on IMDB, looks like people either really loved it or really hated it. (I haven't seen Trainspotting or Requiem for a Dream, which many people compare it to.) Guess I lean toward the loved it side, especially liked the ending scene. (and of course the use of NOTB!) :)