Number of the beast

No Damnit! ...and I worked hard on that one:)
haha, just kidding I know every one is busy.

just incase you kids forgot here's who is slated to work on this on:

Maidenman mix
Rabies git
Ironcross git
7th Son vox
Maidenman drums
ir appears that we need a bass player............

EC or Constantine ? anybody wanna praise hail SATAN with me and the boys??????????????????
Very impressive colorwork!

Adde, yea...another case of we bit off more than we can chew I guess. We will get to this soon. Mostly waiting on a bass player to step up. I've changed my work philosophy quite a rule is not to bother recording a song until I get the drums and bass.

Sadly, both bass players are busy and swamped with tracks right now.