Nunslaughter / Sauron / Malas / Infernal Conjuration - Chicago 11 / 10 /2012

Its not a band for you old folks anyways ;) thats why theyre always playing with all the other underground chicago thrash acts (usually).

no, I grew up in the age of thrash. These are just pale comparisions to those who missed out. This new stuff doesnt have the heart as the older stuff.

underground thrash shows = small show in some odd place with bad sound and with 5 freinds in the crowd.
no, I grew up in the age of thrash. These are just pale comparisions to those who missed out. This new stuff doesnt have the heart as the older stuff.

underground thrash shows = small show in some odd place with bad sound and with 5 freinds in the crowd.

It's alot more than 5 Bob, alot. I think you'd be surprised to see how many people show up to these. I went to a show in a chinatown basement about 2 years ago, and geez there was a TON of people. My estimate is about 75-125.

Also, i know you grew up in the age of thrash but i hope you arent dissing the thrash revival of the 2010s with all the new bands that have come out...I know you were around in the 80s, and i wasnt born until 90, but to me this is my age of thrash. Bands like Warbringer, Gama Bomb, Bonded by Blood, Evile, Exmortus, and so many more are the ones that helped me get into metal in general and specifically thrash. SO to me and my generation this is our golden age.
It's alot more than 5 Bob, alot. I think you'd be surprised to see how many people show up to these. I went to a show in a chinatown basement about 2 years ago, and geez there was a TON of people. My estimate is about 75-125.

Also, i know you grew up in the age of thrash but i hope you arent dissing the thrash revival of the 2010s with all the new bands that have come out...I know you were around in the 80s, and i wasnt born until 90, but to me this is my age of thrash. Bands like Warbringer, Gama Bomb, Bonded by Blood, Evile, Exmortus, and so many more are the ones that helped me get into metal in general and specifically thrash. SO to me and my generation this is our golden age.

I love Gamma Bomb. Lots of the new wave of thrash is Ok at best. What most of these bands are missing is catchy stuff. Bonded By Bloood, Havok, Evile, Warbringer are good but they are all missing on writing some great catchy stuff. They all put on good live shows but it just isnt the same.

I know the thrash stuff draws well....I was telling mike he needs more thrash acts on the bill.
I love Gamma Bomb. Lots of the new wave of thrash is Ok at best. What most of these bands are missing is catchy stuff. Bonded By Bloood, Havok, Evile, Warbringer are good but they are all missing on writing some great catchy stuff. They all put on good live shows but it just isnt the same.

I know the thrash stuff draws well....I was telling mike he needs more thrash acts on the bill.

I disagree, i think there is plenty of catchy riffs and songs all over the place in the new wave world.

But yes more thrash on the bill would definitely help out, and draw quite a few people, especially some younger fans.
Bob. How are the new thrash bands any different than all the new young trad
Metal bands out there? You going to tell me the kids in Skull Fis were around back in the day?
Bob. How are the new thrash bands any different than all the new young trad
Metal bands out there? You going to tell me the kids in Skull Fis were around back in the day?

I am talking about being able to write catchy stuff. Having seen lots of the new thrash bands, their songs dont have hooks or catchy chorus's. While most of the younger trad bands got that part down.

I think the problem I have with this new wave of thrash is that it sounds too much alike....there isnt too much difference between a lot of them.
I think the problem I have with this new wave of thrash is that it sounds too much alike....there isnt too much difference between a lot of them.

Sounds like the old wave of thrash ;)
Kidding folks.
The best thrash doesn't focus on being 'catchy' anyway! I don't like Warbringer, Evile, Bonded by Blood, etc either but there's a fair amount of great thrash from young bands these days. Just not on Earache.
I am with Brian in terms of thrash.
It's why it was never a main genre for me.

Just my opinion. I see your point Bob.
As Brian said, I think it's more about the genre as a whole.
really good turnout last night. At least over 100. Lots of familiar facces. I love Cafe Lura. Perfect place for this type of show. It was also nice they opened up the side room where all the vendors were at. Was able to sit on the comfy sofa during Malas.

Sauron were really good. Wish they were not the opener though. That should have been Malas. I dont get why one of the bands people came to see and were from out of town opened. A few people I know came in late and missed them. Great black / thrash.

Infernal Conjuration were a huge surprise. Never heard of this band before. This is the kind of death metal I can deal with. No cookie monster vocals just heavy sounding. They were on thier "A" game last night. Tight as hell.

Malas....seen them like 5 times now and went and sat on the couch to relax and stuff.

Nunslaughter were funny. I love the spoken parts between songs introducing the next song. Always a funny story. They know how to put on an energetic show. I love also the fact that most of thier songs are just 2 to 3 minutes long.

I wish Cafe Lura did more shows. With Red Line Tap pretty much dead now. This would be a cool place to do some of the better shows they always got.

no one will come out and say anything about it. I have asked many people and I get the same reaction about it....they all shrug thier shoulders and say...yeah it is pretty much over there. I know Trevor who did the shows there moved to Iowa and does shows there like the Red Line did here. After the Stone Magnum show in June there was only one other show after that in August. Since then it has been put off and off. Talk of more shows but then nothing. I posted on thier facebook wall and was told more stuff is happening then later an annoucement saying no shows that month. They promised a November show but that same nights is Cianide / Superchrist / Gates of Slumber / Ares Kingdom. So going against that would be crazy. last night I talked to a few people about it and they all pretty much think it is over there as well. Too bad. I would love to see the bigger shows that Red Line did with bands like High Spirits, Deceased, Superchrist, and stuff move to Cafe Lura.