Nyc Tonight!


Feb 4, 2002
So, who's going to the show in NYC tonight? If so, make your presence known. Just look for the idiot with an air cast and wooden cane. This really sucks! No dancing for this lad tonight.
I wish I could!!! have fun, even though you're injured...:(
I'm trying to move to NY...are there really cool venues there?
When I was moving furniture I agrivated an old wound and rebroke it. Then at work the other day I took a fall thanks to a 95lb german shepard that twisted my ankle. How the fuck I bruised the ball of my foot down to the bone, well, your guess is as good as mine. My apologies to Charlie, Joey, John, Rob and Scott for not being there to show my support. I promise to bring out the whole crew the next time you come to town. Hopefully I will be mobile for Ministry at the end of the month.
Not fair, I wanted to go...oh well, it was either this or Satriani in 2 weeks. Normally I would have chosen Anthrax for sure, but my friends are going to the other one and he's headlining...fuckin Dio.
Not that many venues really...NYC is mostly about 2 person electronica/rock experimental bullshit. Either that or bad garage rock bands. Disappointing. Most of the time the metal bands that come here use venues that, like jdelpi said, will also house xerox conventions. None that the bands will specifically go to cuz it's a metal spot.