O hai!

An Ceiling Cat sayed, DO WANT grass! so tehr wuz seedz An stufs, An fruitzors An vegbatels. An a Corm. It happen.
John haz sum revelashunz. Tehy frum teh Bebeh Jebus, but wuz furst frum Ceiling Cat, an tehy to show what iz comin. Teh Ceiling Cat sended hiz angel to John to give revelashunz.2 John sez iz all totally troof, zactly what teh Ceiling Cat and Bebeh Jebus sayed. He no lie. Srsly.



bibulz said:
U'll B temtd, but hang in ther

And James said its cool if you mess up a little bit cuz that happens sometimes. So leik, if u cant has cheezburger now, maybe you can has cheezberger in a little bit. But mebe u can never has cheezberger and mebe be ok wit dat. So leik dat was a little confusing mebe so you can ask Ceiling Cat for the FAQ. But don't ask anyone else cuz dey wont have the most recent FAQ vershun. Only Ceiling Cat, k? But Ceiling Cat is reelly buzy sometimes so u cant has cheezberger for sure. But sometimes u can. And don't be a spaz about it.

Rob "Klister";7077101 said:
im not sure whether you're calling me a moron for dissing the bible or dissing the cat language part of it. how can people still think the cat thing is funny.its so played.

No, no...it sounded like you TOTALLY missed the point by just writing it off as being in another language and claiming that even this change would not necessitate reading the Bible tbh
that is partly what i did yes. the bible holds no value to me, so i wouldnt read it for that purpose. the cat language is has become lamer than atari t-shirts, so i wouldnt read it or find it funny for that reason. we get it, animals talk in choppy incorrectly worded sentences, time to move on.
Yes he's so negative. Maybe it's time to stop being so negative tbh Rob.