O/T: 15 days and counting (give or take)


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
Well, the countdown is on...I could be a father any day now. The crib is set up, the car seat is installed, baby clothes have infiltrated our drawer space, and our Diaper Genie is all ready to go (thanks for the tip, Brat!). My wife wants ybabnikufesin out ASAP, but we just have to wait until he decides to come. (Although I hear there are some things I can be doing to help induce labor...

So if suddenly I'm not posting as much as I used to, you'll know where I am. I'll try and keep up with the "Battle of the Hot Naked Celebrities" as much as possible, but forgive me if the posts are a little more spread out with fewer pics.
Originally posted by nafnikufesin
Well, the countdown is on...I could be a father any day now. The crib is set up, the car seat is installed, baby clothes have infiltrated our drawer space, and our Diaper Genie is all ready to go (thanks for the tip, Brat!). My wife wants ybabnikufesin out ASAP, but we just have to wait until he decides to come. (Although I hear there are some things I can be doing to help induce labor...

So if suddenly I'm not posting as much as I used to, you'll know where I am. I'll try and keep up with the "Battle of the Hot Naked Celebrities" as much as possible, but forgive me if the posts are a little more spread out with fewer pics.

I'm proud of you mang, I know you'll make a good father. :D

Let me know if you need any advice. I'm still learning everyday.


Semen breaks down the mucous surrounding the cervix only when you're at least in the beginning stages of labor, so it's not like pregnant women can't have sex ever.

I know the thought of getting that much sex when you're about to be cut off for at least six weeks sounds appealing, but (and sorry to burst any bubbles) walking does way more than sex ever could. :D

NFF, I find it somewhat disturbing you can find an icon for damn near anything you talk about. :lol: Also, once they start solid foods, stick a little stick-up in the bottom of that Diaper Genie, or emptying it could be unpleasant. And I know how she feels... lil bRaT can get the hell out any time she pleases.... ;)