O/t Aaaaaagggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!


It's "The Amish" To You
Feb 6, 2002
State of Beavers
Goddamnit, Fuckin New York Yankees. Agh! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
This sux so much. Scott's happy, but I sure ain't. DAMNIT! He can get a ring anywhere else, but not there! Not that I'm a Red Sox fan, but he left Mariner's saying he would not go to Yankees because he wanted to be a part of a team that would keep Yanks from winning World Series. I was fine with him on any other team, but DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!

This is actually the short rant, my cousin got the long one the other day over the phone.
At least Jr one the Daytona 500.

I'm going to be listening to some hate music for awhile...Pantera time. :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
I do not know how to respond to this news. I was drunk when my buddy called me at the bar on sat. night to tell me and the next day I thought it was a dream. Well sure enough I turned on espn and it is all they were talking about.

In the words of the Twins GM, The Lakers were built to go 82-0 this year. They seem to be having some problems. Nothing matters till you get the players on the field and start playing.
I'm really getting sick of the situation with Major League Baseball. I mean there's only like 4 teams that actually compete because they have all the jack. If they don't fix this problem soon I think MLB is gonna crash and burn sooner or later.
Riehlthing said:
They need a salary cap, drug testing. NFL is still the king of sports in US. Baseball is no longer the nations pasttime. Isn't it football season by now? If not, it should be.
Totally agree. I love football and I still like beaseball and they got the fluke win from the Marlins last year, but so few teams seem able to compete lately. I am an Indians fan and we hate the Yankees too!!