O/T - Amon Amarth

Whoever recommended them to me. Thank You. :headbang:

Do you live like this?

Bathory are a MUCH better viking metal band than Amon Amarth.

People say AC/DC albums all sound the same, but I don't agree. Amon Amarth on the other hand, all their albums really do sound exactly the same.

This "Viking Metal" thing is so almost more laughable than the 80's glam bands. Same with some of the black metal bands. Wearing all of those stupid make up is no better than bands like POISON. At least the 80's glam bands were able to laugh at themselves and got to fuck multiple chicks every night.

If you only listen to the music some of it is fine. But then you find out these grown ass men dress like vikings and run around the forest. It's so absolutely retarded that it makes me not even be able to listen to their music without laughing.. impossible to take bands like Bathory seriously when they do photo shoots like the one above
This "Viking Metal" thing is so almost more laughable than the 80's glam bands. Same with some of the black metal bands. Wearing all of those stupid make up is no better than bands like POISON. At least the 80's glam bands were able to laugh at themselves and got to fuck multiple chicks every night.

If you only listen to the music some of it is fine. But then you find out these grown ass men dress like vikings and run around the forest. It's so absolutely retarded that it makes me not even be able to listen to their music without laughing.. impossible to take bands like Bathory seriously when they do photo shoots like the one above

I can't believe I'm saying this but.... my thoughts EXACTLY. I just can't get over the pure cheese factor, and then don't even get me started on the white make-up church burning black metal bands...
I saw them live once, supporting Slayer on some package tour. I couldn't help but thinking of the old 2-D arcade game "Golden Axe", because the singer soooo reminded me of the main character.
Do you live like this?


:Smokedev: why yes i do as a matter of fact, before i get my shave and breakfast in order.

lets clear something up here. I'm not one to spend wasteless hours of keystrokes on endless diatribes of who is better than who.

it is cheesy looking - absolutely and thats okay. Metal music isn't a lifestyle choice, its entertainment and thats what i get. Entertainment.
This "Viking Metal" thing is so almost more laughable than the 80's glam bands. Same with some of the black metal bands. Wearing all of those stupid make up is no better than bands like POISON. At least the 80's glam bands were able to laugh at themselves and got to fuck multiple chicks every night.

If you only listen to the music some of it is fine. But then you find out these grown ass men dress like vikings and run around the forest. It's so absolutely retarded that it makes me not even be able to listen to their music without laughing.. impossible to take bands like Bathory seriously when they do photo shoots like the one above

You seriously don't have much of a clue about anything to do with "metal" as a genre do you?
All you seem to have is a great hatred for anything that sits outside your little 80's thrash metal comfort zone. If you don't like something and find it laughable, fair enough. But you seem to hate EVERYTHING other than a very small spectrum of bands you consider to be "true" metal, like Anthrax, Maiden and Pantera.
I can't believe you really think Bathory ran around the forest dressed like that. Do you even know who the fuck Bathory were? :lol:
Here, you only need to watch about about the first minute and a half:

Do you just spend all day listening to Persistence of Time, Piece of Mind and Vulgar Display of Power on shuffle?

I'd rather wear corpsepaint or dress like a daft fuckin' viking than have a ridiculous earring and filthy manky dreadlocks like that disgusting ugly twat in your sig! ;)

Oh BTW - you must really HATE Bruce Dickinson eh? That guy dresses up as all sorts of different characters. No doubt it's alright when Bruce dresses like a soldier from his country's past, but when black metal bands do it it's stupid?

"But then you find out these grown ass men dress like vikings and run around the forest. It's so absolutely retarded that it makes me not even be able to listen to their music without laughing.. impossible to take bands like Bathory seriously when they do photo shoots like the one above"

Bruce Dickinson by stormwatch1977, on Flickr





The Bruce pics are hilarious.

For the record, I kind of share IMF's sentiment. I have always found that "viking" image kind of gay, even though I have nothing against the music itself.
Oh BTW - you must really HATE Bruce Dickinson eh? That guy dresses up as all sorts of different characters. No doubt it's alright when Bruce dresses like a soldier from his country's past, but when black metal bands do it it's stupid?

I can’t believe I’m backing up IMF09, but…

In those pictures you posted as examples of Bruce, they were either just things for a certain song (like Joey’s Indian headdress) or just to goof off like the last picture (which Anthrax has been known for such things all through the 90’s)

For those “Viking Metal” bands it is part of their entire schtick, and to me the pure cheese factor makes me not want to even bother listening to their music. For all I know I may be missing out on some kick ass metal --- but I really don’t care.



And this:

…makes me have no interest at all in getting into the music of those bands.
I can’t believe I’m backing up IMF09, but…

In those pictures you posted as examples of Bruce, they were either just things for a certain song (like Joey’s Indian headdress) or just to goof off like the last picture (which Anthrax has been known for such things all through the 90’s)

For those “Viking Metal” bands it is part of their entire schtick, and to me the pure cheese factor makes me not want to even bother listening to their music. For all I know I may be missing out on some kick ass metal --- but I really don’t care.



And this:

…makes me have no interest at all in getting into the music of those bands.

I'm with you all on certain points and certain bands. I've never listened to Manowar, simply because they look so incredibly stupid. But Bathory only looked like that for about ten minutes and managed to influence the entire genre, so writing them off is silly.
Bands like Amon Amarth and (the vastly superior!) Enslaved don't dress like Manowar - they have an image just like every other metal band. And it's a lot less gay than the likes of Judas Priest.

At the end of the day I LISTEN to music, don't wank over pictures of the guys in the band. I like the music Gorgoroth make, even if Gaahl does look daft. He is gay BTW.
Yeah like I said I know that I may be missing out on some kick ass metal. I wrote off Hammerfall and then about 12 years ago saw them open up for Death in Cleveland and they blew me away. Around the same time this Russian guy I went to college with was trying to get me to check out Iced Earth, telling me that I would probably like them. But I wouldn't do it because he was a huge Hammerfall and some other cheesey looking band fan... after I saw Hammerfall at that death show.... I finally did check out Iced Earth, and he was right they became one of my favorite bands.

So yeah I know judging a book by its cover can be pretty shitty, but it is what it is.
Manowar are - musically - nothing like Amon-Amarth, Enslaved, Bathory etc though are they? I think if someone says they like viking metal they don't mean they like Manowar and Hammerfall. Isn't that "power metal" - all cheesy helium voiced girly singers, singing about fucking unicorns and crap like that, totally ruining the cool Judas Priest style guitar riffage?
Amon Amarth friggin' rocks!!!! ODIN!!!!! AA is very different than most other Viking Metal or Pagan Metal bands.

Hey, Ian!!

Oh, and maybe we should post some of the gay 80's pics of our other favorite bands! We can start w/Ozzy!!!! ;)