I'll share with you people the wedding invitation I got yesterday from my friend in Alaska. He's the most metal, tattooed guy I know. And apparently he's found a girl just like him:
All HELL will break loose when...CORRINA and JEROMIE venture into the MATRIMONIAL ABYSS on Halloween night, Thursday October Thirty-First in the year two thousand and two at half-past six in the evening...(address, blah blah blah-Mexican Restaurant)...Costumes are required by all in attendance, it will be a family affair so, of corpse, bring the kiddies for a devilishly good time.
His mom is super-pissed about the invitations, but his grandma loves them. Go figure.
I'm thinking my costume will be "irate pregnant woman wants her uterus back" seeing as how I'll be 34 weeks then. The idea of stuffing my kid full of Mexican food scares me, too. And I have NO idea what to buy them, either. I'm thinking gift certificate...