o/t battle of the singers...and the winner is


Mar 24, 2002
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john bush(6) def. bruce dickinson(5)

all i can say is,what the hell are you people smoking!
do not get me wrong i love bush. (who dosen't)
but bruce is easily the better singer.
well,to each their own.

thank you to all who took part in this.
and in honor of john bush,today i will listen to anthrax all day and try really hard to get some bush.i think sense it is sunday i will start at the local churches.:lol:
Well, it's all a matter of opinion, right? If I thought Bruce Dickinson was a better singer, I'd be on the Iron Maiden board right now. He's good, but I can only take him in small doses, whereas Bush is unbelievable....I can never get tired of his vocals.

I'd never heard Bush before Anthrax, but because of him, I went out and bought old Saint. Anthrax was maybe in my top five pre-Bush, but now they are my favorite band bar none. So yes, you'll get bias asking that question on this board, but you wanted my opinion, and it's that I think that John is the best singer out there...period.

Thanks for the thread!
i have to agree with you on john in anthrax.i always loved anthrax and when john joined the band ,they only got better.
i just think bruce has better range.but i also respect everyone heres opinion.
Who cares about the technique. We can say probably that Dream Theater are very technically skilled, but I´m sorry, I wouldn´t listen to them right now. When I hear Bruce I just say, "yeah, pretty cool singer!" but when I hear John it beats the hell out of me.
I voted too late (thanks to my fucking computer virus).
But John Bush (the greatest vocalist in the history of music) still won!!