DD - i heard something about the LA Geldings ?
DD - we had our team literally taken from us in the dead of night back in 1984....we just turned on the tv early one morning to see he mayflower trucks pulling out of the facilty and on their way to INDY.
we went 12 Years without a team,,,almost promised the Cardinals in the late 80's then when Expansion time came...Tagliabue told us to build a museum instead.
Forward to 1996 when Cleveland wouldn't help Art Modell...so he brought his team to Baltimore and we took the Browns and made the Ravens...with some of the best Defensive talent seen in football and went on to win the Superbowl within 5 years of being here and another a division title in 2003 with one of the biggest offensive lines and hardest hitting running back of the year,,, ONE man Jamal Lewis put up 500 yards rushing against Cleveland alone in two games...
KY...dude congrats to the bengals last season, thought the pic was funny, but man Cincy's fresh rap sheet sure isnt... I feel bad for you fans having to endure such embarassment.