O/T - how i have spent my christmas vacation :)


Dec 6, 2005
Hey gang,

I just hit 4 for 4 on the to-do list in the past hour. :heh:

I have been off work since last friday, and other than holiday things with the family i haven't been keeping up with the little projects. I got a fire lit under my ass tonight, and did the following.

Resealed my toilet on an unlevel floor upstairs
Put in a new shower head gonna test it out later
Put the door back on that was in the basement for a year getting painted
Put on a new toilet seat i bought with my gift card my wife got me for Christmas :D

late 2010 has been interesting for me. My house got beat up in a really bad hail storm, so my homeowner's insurance covered all new house siding, a new roof, new gutters and window treatments, and new gutter covers. I even actually made money since they can't fix my aluminum awning porch. I have been slowly sanding it down to get it all repainted with my shutters for 2011.

So what i was wondering is what the rest of yinz were up to this holiday season :)


Wow, you did a lot. All I did was decorate, tear down, and help my wife get out of her job! Oh, and I'm helping my boy put together the Lego Death Star (which I call the Debt Star cuz of it's price)....all 3,800+ pieces of it....Happy New Year, all.
I've been spending quality time with two friends that I have been neglecting lately.
360 and PS3.
Johnny, rest up and get well. Ankles are tough to get sorted out. Vomit, I got a space ship out of lego for my number 2 son. My oldest boy wanted just plain legos to build as he likes. Number one son got an Ipod touch, while my daughter got a kindle. Number two son has a nerf gun arsenal now. My youngest boy prolly has enough track from his Thomas the tank to loop around my downstairs rooms.
I am painting the shutters for my house. I have to paint that and the old fashioned porch roof that is all metal as well. taking its time getting it done as on-line college starts again Sunday night for me. :)