High-speed internet, what a crock of shit. It costs a fortune every month, and they can have "an outage in your area" whenever it seems to fit. Even though it is less of a pain in the ass than dial-up, for me dial-up never had any outages. I think Cox sucks ass. Actually, my problem is more with Cox than with high-speed internet in general, because I also get my cable and phone through them, because of the fact that they weaseled their way into getting the contract from my apartment complex and that's all you can get because they wired it up when the buildings were being built. Cox likes to do things like take my phone payment and put it on my cable account, and then send me a disconnect notice on my phone. Even though I went to the office and handed the money to a person and they gave me a receipt with my phone account number on it. They also charged me for a network card that they never installed, and some stupid bitch told me that they'd have to charge me for a service call to come out and switch from USB to network, and then some other guy told me he could do it right from the office and no one had to come out. You have to talk to five different people before you can get what you want, and their idea of compensation is a $9.99 credit for weeks and weeks of their bullshit. I love Cox Communications as much as Thra
ude loves the Postal Service.
Okay, I am done now...

Okay, I am done now...