o/t: E3

TacoBellJunkie said:
Wii... what a stupid name. What was wrong with Revolution?
Exactly. Wee (spell it how you want, it's still "WEEE" to me) is the gayest name for anything ever. I thought "GameCube" was gay.
And if "Wee" isn't gay enough, they're calling the weird new Remote Controller the "WeeMote".

yeah out of the three systems wii is defo the one catching my eye, it looks the most inventive and fun by far, the fact software houses are dedicating entire teams to it, cos they are so excited by its possibilities says it all....... EA seem to be crapping themselves with glee. maddens sounds awesome.

i agree tho, theres no way i would even consider the ps3 at 400 quid, which might even be the paupers version not the rich man version, ........i honestly see sony pulling a dreamcast on this one, its a year late, its super super exepnsive ( nearly entering pc prices) the cheap version STINKS, and they are copying nintendo in a last ditch panic move, sticking in a crap motion sensor into the old pad, cos the new one stunk.....right now they look on the ropes esp with their e3 reception

u never know until all three are out there and running at full speed, but ten years ago, sony came out of nowhere and blew sega off the map by coming out a full year ahead of dreamcast and 64....just like xbox is doing this time round....... from what i read sony are relying on branding and customer loyalty to sell the ps3...........they should have a word with sega, if sonic couldnt save them, who the hell is coming out to save sony?!?! gamers dont give an ass what system they play on, as long as it plays good.........

only nintendo can claim loyalty, and thats through massive cult characters and franchises, and even that is pretty much only solid in japan.

still tho, is essence i am excited the next gen are rolling in........ but somehow i think i will end up really needing a wii :)

like water sports? wii do
I am all about the Wii no matter how gay the name is from the looks of it the games look like they are going to be fun as hell to play and shit the obesity in this country is going to go down to lol I will actually have to get off my ass to play a video game woohoo I get a workout for once in my damn life but yea the light gun for it looks awesoem and so do the games no matter what the graphics are ZELDA AT FUCKING LAUNCH
I'm pissed about the PS3's price. Especially for a premium one..$600 fucking dollars. Whatever I have a 360. I belong to an E3/PS3 board so I know all about this shit.
Yeah, Wee is the lamest name ever. But Nintendo always has the best games.
(I still say Ocarina of Time is the best game ever made.)
Oh, iam too. I played Oblivion `The Elder Scrolls IV` XBOX360 Version and finished the game in 250 hours. i cleared 215 quests.

It was a great feeling. the best RPG at this point in time.

But some more good RPG on the way, umn, means in piplines.

I saw on xbox live marcetplaces the new FABLE 2 Video, this game gets a new great look, i love it.

But My most favorite Game for Future is from Final Fantasy developer Mitsuguchi, Mistwalker Studios Lost Odyssey.

I postet many pictures ldownloads ike this from the game in this board topic:



This picture is great for Tatoo, i think ..
The PS 3 is going to be the BEST game system to hit the market ever. The games are gonna blow every other system out of the water, just as Playstation has done in the past. And 600 bucks for a 60 gig system is not bad at all. It has a Blu Ray High Def DVD player ( a stand alone Blu Ray will cost you close to a grand), it plays games in 1080P High Def, 7.1 surround sound, it has built in Wi FI, is backwards compatable all the way to PS 1 ( NO other game system has that or will), its internet capable. You think 600 is bad. Wait till Nov 19th when every system is sold out. 1500 a system for all the chumps that thought they wopuld save a few bucks and wait

JohnThrax said:
its much better than the fucking PS3. No way am I paying $500-$600 for a game system
sgt_d_rulez said:
The PS 3 is going to be the BEST game system to hit the market ever. The games are gonna blow every other system out of the water, just as Playstation has done in the past. And 600 bucks for a 60 gig system is not bad at all. It has a Blu Ray High Def DVD player ( a stand alone Blu Ray will cost you close to a grand), it plays games in 1080P High Def, 7.1 surround sound, it has built in Wi FI, is backwards compatable all the way to PS 1 ( NO other game system has that or will), its internet capable. You think 600 is bad. Wait till Nov 19th when every system is sold out. 1500 a system for all the chumps that thought they wopuld save a few bucks and wait

well, I hope you dig the PS3 with the built in Hi-fi DVD surround sound deluxe pocket knife gourmet flashlight waterhose personal aide insurance cellular telephone waffle maker, but I just want a gaming console :lol:

I don't agree with you in saying the Playstation has blown everything out of the water... I think they've been the worst systems out of the big 3... especially the PS2, being hardly an upgrade over the PS1... and even to the PS3 they're still using that same god awful outdated controller... they're quite lazy it seems

Xbox 360 will have all the best games, including Halo and almost every single game the PS3 will have, including more (GTA4 is Xbox360-only), half the price of PS3

the Wii will have a new, unique, and fun controller as always, with new Mario, Zelda, and Metroid games... and will also have a big chunk of the good games the other consoles have, will most likely be about 1/3 the price of PS3

the PS3 costs 200%-300% more than the other consoles... can't think of anything else to say about it
House of Seance said:
well, I hope you dig the PS3 with the built in Hi-fi DVD surround sound deluxe pocket knife gourmet flashlight waterhose personal aide insurance cellular telephone waffle maker, but I just want a gaming console :lol:

I don't agree with you in saying the Playstation has blown everything out of the water... I think they've been the worst systems out of the big 3... especially the PS2, being hardly an upgrade over the PS1... and even to the PS3 they're still using that same god awful outdated controller... they're quite lazy it seems

Xbox 360 will have all the best games, including Halo and almost every single game the PS3 will have, including more (GTA4 is Xbox360-only), half the price of PS3

the Wii will have a new, unique, and fun controller as always, with new Mario, Zelda, and Metroid games... and will also have a big chunk of the good games the other consoles have, will most likely be about 1/3 the price of PS3

the PS3 costs 200%-300% more than the other consoles... can't think of anything else to say about it
I agree. Fuck Sony. I have Xbox, PS2, and GameCube. If I could keep only one, the PS2 would be the first to go followed by the GameCube.
The Xbox is superior.
I can't believe PS3 is going to be that expensive. It'll probably have overheating problems too like PS1 and PS2 did. FUCK SONY.

I do love Guitar Hero(only for PS2) though.
House of Seance said:
well, I hope you dig the PS3 with the built in Hi-fi DVD surround sound deluxe pocket knife gourmet flashlight waterhose personal aide insurance cellular telephone waffle maker, but I just want a gaming console :lol:

I don't agree with you in saying the Playstation has blown everything out of the water... I think they've been the worst systems out of the big 3... especially the PS2, being hardly an upgrade over the PS1... and even to the PS3 they're still using that same god awful outdated controller... they're quite lazy it seems

Xbox 360 will have all the best games, including Halo and almost every single game the PS3 will have, including more (GTA4 is Xbox360-only), half the price of PS3

the Wii will have a new, unique, and fun controller as always, with new Mario, Zelda, and Metroid games... and will also have a big chunk of the good games the other consoles have, will most likely be about 1/3 the price of PS3

the PS3 costs 200%-300% more than the other consoles... can't think of anything else to say about it

The EA sports games for PS3 will blow everything out of the water as demonstrated last week. The PS controllers do suck, but my logitec wireless is pretty dam comfortable, and the PS3 controller is the most top secret thing out there right now.

Im not 10 so mario games are not for me, and GTA will be alive and well on PS3 along with Dirty HArry, more Scarface, Madden 2K8, and I will still be able to Play GTA San Andreas, and all My Metal Gear games in High Def. Everyone is ragging on Sony right now, but 600 bucks is totally worth it for what you get.
sgt_d_rulez said:
The EA sports games for PS3 will blow everything out of the water as demonstrated last week. The PS controllers do suck, but my logitec wireless is pretty dam comfortable, and the PS3 controller is the most top secret thing out there right now.

Im not 10 so mario games are not for me, and GTA will be alive and well on PS3 along with Dirty HArry, more Scarface, Madden 2K8, and I will still be able to Play GTA San Andreas, and all My Metal Gear games in High Def. Everyone is ragging on Sony right now, but 600 bucks is totally worth it for what you get.

ah I didn't realize Sony hasn't officially revealed the new controller... I've seen a billion pictures of the PS3 but it always had the old controller in the picture

you're right about the GTA 4 thing, I just looked it up... I had watched a part of the G4 E3 coverage and saw an Xbox 360 representative getting interviewed and they were talking about GTA 4, and I guess I was getting quite the wrong picture, they weren't being super clear, but I guess the big news was that the GTA 4 was coming to the Xbox as well as the PS3, instead of only the PS3
sgt_d_rulez said:
The EA sports games for PS3 will blow everything out of the water as demonstrated last week. The PS controllers do suck, but my logitec wireless is pretty dam comfortable, and the PS3 controller is the most top secret thing out there right now.

Im not 10 so mario games are not for me, and GTA will be alive and well on PS3 along with Dirty HArry, more Scarface, Madden 2K8, and I will still be able to Play GTA San Andreas, and all My Metal Gear games in High Def. Everyone is ragging on Sony right now, but 600 bucks is totally worth it for what you get.
I'll believe what they are showing at E3 when I see it. Sony has a hystory of bullshitting people at these shows.
They showed a shit load of amazing images last year at E3 and turns out they were producing them with a High Powered computer. They pull the same stunt every year.
I'd like to know what Sony plans to do differently that is going to make people want to go out and buy their machine. They can't touch Xbox's online support and gaming. Xbox owns that now, it's written in stone, and most of their hardware is similar to the 360... with the exception of an optional 60 gig hard drive, which is storage, not a graphics card.
As far as I'm concerned, the redesigned Controller makes them look pretty desperate. It's a functional RIP-OFF of the Wii and 360 controllers.
At least Nintendo is offering a different approach that could set some new standards.
Sony does have blue-ray in their corner, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if anyone’s going to give a shit.
i totally agree, i think sony are in a bigtime panic, they have seent he other machines, and seen theirsjust doesnt add up.....the controller is the biggest panic move i have seen from a major player, the fact the boomerang got scrapped and they rereleased the old one, with no rumble pack and a left to right motion sensor, shows how desperate they are. the motion sounds shit too, left to right, is that it?!!?!? good stuff sony.

even the big cheese at sony has come out and said, we aint worried about our box, the branding will sell our machine alone..........um hahaha good one. going by this board theres one guy who buys sony regardless of how much sony fuck him, the rest of us aint going near their stink box.

like everyone else says, nintendo for fun and innovation, xbox for the serious games...cos at least its live and has the support. sony still cant even be fucked with that ( what!?!? people wanna play games online?!!?1 no no they want the sony brand/lifestyle in their homes !)
ThraxDude said:
I do love Guitar Hero(only for PS2) though.

hah I guess that game was a sleeping giant or something... I never even heard of it til a week ago or so, watching E3 coverage and I see an interview and preview of Guitar Hero 2, talking about how the first was a big success and stuff and I'm just going "what? what is this?"

it does look pretty cool though, maybe they can get some 'thrax tunes for it... I'd especially like to see Gung Ho... just to read about complaints of people getting cramps in their hand trying to press the button fast enough to keep up with the picking :lol: it would be good times