O/T: I find this pretty disturbing!

I find that disturbing as well, especially the fact that they have been doing this since they were 9.

My sister-in-law is a white supremist, belongs to a website, hitler pictures on the wall, etc. etc. I found that very disturbing as well, considering when I met her she was about 16 and still living at home and my mother-in-law let her keep that shit on the walls. What's worse that she is Polish. How friggin stupid is that? Although if you knew my husband's family, nothing would surprise you.
quickstop said:
Maybe there should be a license to have children.

You are 100% correct.

Or maybe those Nazis should be sent back to Germany. White Supremacists always make me laugh. They want the blacks to go back to Africa. They want to get rid of the Jews and such and such, yet they think that themselves belong in America. And I've never seen a Native American/Indian Supremacist. Hmmm.
What was the movie with Keenue Reeves, Parenthood? I've always agreed with what he said - you need a license to fish, to own a dog (something like that) but anyone can be a parent.
Yeah, exactly. You need a license to teach, to sell, to drive, to hunt, and so on, yet ANYONE can raise a racist; murderer; child abuser; etc.
What the fuck is that? In a few years time, all these ideas and thoughts should be fucked from their brains out I say...
Ragamuffin said:
I'm real sick of seeing this linked everywhere, but I will say this. They're gonna be hot when they turn 18.
And the funny thing is they'll be fucking black guys. Go Get 'em Brothers - right in the ass.
eighteeschick said:
I find that disturbing as well, especially the fact that they have been doing this since they were 9.

My sister-in-law is a white supremist, belongs to a website, hitler pictures on the wall, etc. etc. I found that very disturbing as well, considering when I met her she was about 16 and still living at home and my mother-in-law let her keep that shit on the walls. What's worse that she is Polish. How friggin stupid is that? Although if you knew my husband's family, nothing would surprise you.

Stupid yes but hardly surprising, eastern Europe has more neo-nazis than anyplace else over here. Anyone can be a fucking nazi, just change the groups of people you blame for any real or invented problems. There is a well-know case in Sweden about a group of bankrobbers who gunned down two cops. One robber was a black nazi and ex-mercenary (and also a fucking retaded gayford).

One of my friends has issues. He´s not a nazi but foreigners really annoys him and he spends a lot of time bitching about it. It´s a free world and you don´t have to like people but his behaviour is going to give him a heartattack some day, he needs to relax.

I wanna see Jessica Simpson and Britney in those smiley Adolf-shirts. Or maybe the Olsen twins.

There was this great tv-show in Sweden that the PC-mob hated. They invited one of the bimbos from the swedish "Survivor"-series and wanted to interview her about her career as a singer. They had all these nazi-references like a guy walking by them in a brown shirt, asked her if "DJ Göbbels" and Leni Riefenstahl were involved in her new singel and video. The uneducated, stupid sack of shit just sat there and nodded, grinned and said "yes". They even got her to wear a "Class of Treblinka"-shirt.

After the show was aired she cried to the media about how she had been manipulated. Well sorry but people like her are fucking sheep, they don´t know anything and I don´t know what she did when other kids were in historyclass.
Not that I agree, but they can do what they want. Who's the bigger fool? The fool or the fools that follow (black sheep). The media only does dickheads like this favours and promotes their shit for free. I suppose thats their right and my opinion is fuck them.