O/T: Insurance Companies SUCK


Feb 4, 2002
Past the Point of Caring
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I went to the doctor back in 97. I only went one time because he was an asshole. I had insurance through my work, and paid my co-pay and all that happy crap. Before my insurance company paid the claim, they left the state and all their Arizona claims went into receivership. I made a thousand phone calls at that time to both the insurance company and the various departments the state will send you to. I just got a copy of my credit report, and guess who's on it? The doctor, for a $75 claim that was never paid. Here's the shittiest part-he's not even a doctor anymore! He handed over his license because of serious tax problems. He hasn't practiced in a few years now. But now I have to pay him $75 anyway because I need my credit cleaned up. I don't know which is more expensive- having insurance or not.
fucking farmers is leaving texas. big daddy bush is probably going give it to them in the ass. but I still think he's a stupid monkey. Try writing someone important. You're pregnant that instantly makes you less fortunate than others in the eyes of the public. So try a news show that has a segment about stuff like that.
they'll do it for free.
all the problems in society are rooted in one primary emotion/pyschological mind set, and taht is greed!!!!!! The united states is where it is today because of greed. But then again Boneparte became to confident and greedy and reached too far and spread his resources too far out and look where le french are today. Watch out capitalist pigs of america!
I saw on there after I posted this, one company, ANOTHER ONE I don't owe shit to, is actually on there twice, with the same dollar amount, but two different company names. How sneaky. There's a few on there I actually owe, but I'm not gonna be screwed over by the ones that I don't.