O/t Jason X


Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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Rent it, goddamn you! Rent it!

Seriously, this is the best Jason flick since the original "FRIDAY.."
movie came out. Sure, the originality is gone, but he kills space marines better than any "ALIEN" can!

Jesus, they need a ps2 game for this shit! I even broke out the old 8-bit NES FRIDAY THE 13th game, just to go down nostalgia road.....

Good 'ole Jason Voorhees.

Originally posted by prime666
If your not on drugs. Start.


How the fuck are you gonna come up into my fucking thread and make sport of me?

Learn some manners and respect, boy.

Everyone else, I apologize for my rant. I also respect everyones opinion of this movie, even this rotten cunt!

Good Day!
Have you ever heard the term " Opinions are like assholes" I know I'm an Asshole. Just an asshole with taste. Trust me kid. If you want to see a good gore fest type film. Go rent BAD TASTE.
Originally posted by prime666
Have you ever heard the term " Opinions are like assholes" I know I'm an Asshole. Just an asshole with taste. Trust me kid. If you want to see a good gore fest type film. Go rent BAD TASTE.


Don't tell me about BAD TASTE. I let my nephew watch that and DEAD ALIVE the other night. I just think JASON X is a good JASON flick. I'm done with this, and you. I'm gonna tuck my son into bed now. Kid........ I swear to god.
well that went well...

Anyway I didn't really like the movie either. And I am a horror fan. I went to the movies to see it. I saw lines coming in that movie. When Jason killed that dude on the giant corkscrew and the other marine asked the chick where he was and she said "hes screwed" thats so lame. I mean come on you gotta do a little better than that. Even for a horror movie. There was a cool kill though with the frozen face lady.

Rob Zombie will save the horror movie from its current slump. And The Ring dont look bad either.
I just saw the movie today, I was laughing my ass off! I know it was supposed to be scary but how can you not laugh at: "We love pre-marital sex. Won't you have pre-marital sex with us?" That was great, as soon as I get some money I'm gonna buy this movie.
4 those of you that know me at least abit, you may know that I love horror movies. Here is my take on Jason X, which was a pretty good flick overall. Ofcourse, I know that many of you will slam the movie(and that's ok) either people love horror movies, or they hate em. But for anybody that actually like horror movies, take a look at my review.


Jason style! V to the izzo!

Jason is Back!

Not a traditional setting.

The Bottom Line
Jason is back with avengence! For Real!

Plot Details: This opinion reveals minor details about the movie's plot.

I finally received a chance to see the movie that I have waited two years for you and I can honestly say that I was not dissapointed! Jason X flaunts its stuff, gore, and story as good as any of the previous Friday installments! Here is the kicker, there is actually a pretty good plot to this one! In the begginning we see Rowan(actress Lexa Doig) working on finding a solution to destroy Jason once and for all. Rowan works in a medical research facility at none other than Camp Crystal lake that has held Jason captive for quite some time. However, when the military steps in and states that "Jason is too valuable to store away", Jason breaks loose and wastes no time in doing in the solidiers. In a attempt to get away, Rowan turns on the criogenic freezer but gets frozen herself with Jason. About 450 years later we see that a human research team finds the frozen remains of Jason and Rowan. Upon learning that Rowan still has vital signs they rush her back to their medical facility on their space ship orbiting earth. Ofcourse they take Jason as well, and you can guess what happens from here! All in all, this may be the bloodiest Friday the 13th installation yet! There is good use of computer graphics throughout and the acting is pretty good! Good acting has always been one of the weaker points of any of the Friday the 13 series, but kudoos and hats off to the producers of Jason X for getting a talented cast to fill the performance. Most of the actors & actresses are not well know but at least they managed to get some folks with some talent to fill these shoes. Some of the other notable performances are put in by Lisa Ryder, Peter Mensah, and ofcourse Kane Hodder returns to play the part of Jason for the fourth straight time. Take it from a Friday the 13th faithful(me), I wasnt sure about this movie when I first heard of its release, but it is for real! I would certainly recommend this film to any horror movie fan, and it is a must see for any Friday the 13th fan.

AugDawg rating 8 out of 10


Movie Mood: Scary Movie
Suitability For Children: Not suitable for Children of any age
Viewing Method: Test Screening
Film Completeness: Looked complete to me.
Worst Part of this Film: Nothing
Would See Film Again: Yes, but I'll wait for it on video
All very good takes on a movie thats loved by few, hated by many, criticized by all.

I especially like " I used to like Jason movies, then I grew up" that was harsh!:lol:

Anyhoo, I still bought it.
and the poster makes a mighty fine avatar as well......
For me Friday the 13th movies are kinda like a car wreck, I just have to watch even though I know I'm not going to like what I see. I used to LOVE them when I was younger and I still like the character Jason but IMHO the movies are so damn lame. Jason X was no exception but it did have its moments. I thought the new Halloween was much better but it was no masterpiece either.
Overall it sucked. But I'm not much of a Jason fan anyhow. More interesting than the previous 100. Lame, sad, unbelievable is went thro my mind. Then I thought, shit I actually watched the whole thing.

The biggest pro is the chicks. Damn they were hot as hell, even the campers, who I thought was the hottest. ;)
I thought Event Horizon was a better "Horror On A Spaceship" movie. It didn't have to resort to silly 1-liners.

The new Halloween seriously irritated me, I can accept breaking continuity in a series if the movie is halfway decent, but if the movie's crap, then what's the point? What kind of artistic statement are you making by saying parts 4-6 never happened?
I think it is the 3rd best Jason Movie. Part 4 being the Best, and part 6 coming in at 2nd..I am also a lil upset to see the the man who has been behind the mask of Jason for the last 4 films(Kane Hodder) Will not be in the upcoming Freddy vs Jason. I feal New Line is making a big mistake Turning Kane down for this role...For this reason, I hope Freddy(Robert Englend) Kiss Jasons ASS!!..