O/T Kid Rock


Feb 6, 2002
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Any Kid Rock fans out there. I just got home from seeing him. I gotta say that was one of the best shows I've seen in awhile. Let me know what you think of him!!
Sorry, dude, but I don't think you're going to find many people (myself included) with nice things to say about Kid Schlock.

I saw him at the Warped Tour in 1998, and he was pretty much booed off the stage (Bad Religion had already played and everyone was going home). I had heard Polyfuse and expected much more, I thought it was lame. If you would have told me that that record was going to blow up like it did, I would have told you you were nuts based on the reaction he got at the Nautica Stage in Cleveland in July of 1998. For the record, I don't dislike him at all. Some of my friends listen to him, and he gets played at the bars a lot, and it is tolerable. I'm more of a Lenny Kravitz guy myself. He probably doesn't get a lot of respect on this board either. To each thier own. I'm taking my mother to see Lenny at the Polaris Ampitheatre in August.
I saw Kid Rock lip sync at music mid-town in atlanta about 3 of 4 years ago. The show was pretty fun. But most shows with one hundred thousand people all drunk are fun.
I think the reason most people here (and elsewhere) are so negative about Kid Rock is because he is so successful right now. Deal with it. If he were still playing clubs, no one would talk as much smack. I don't really dig his music, but I think his idea's are cool, mixing country, metal, and rap, and singing about cheap beer and whiskey. I also like the fact that he puts on a huge stage production. I'm not going to be buying his albums or concert tix, but I have no reason to dog him out.
kid rock is cool,at first i was very sceptical with all this new rap rock shit flooding us all the time but some of his songs are just killerand he wasnt an overnight success like some people think.
and importantly he is a big fan of anthrax...can someone back me up on this i think kid mentioned bands he was listening to at an awards night and anthrax was one of them,i could be wrong???
Originally posted by mrthrax

and importantly he is a big fan of anthrax...can someone back me up on this i think kid mentioned bands he was listening to at an awards night and anthrax was one of them,i could be wrong???

You're right. Scott Ian even mentioned that in one of his AlphaMails.
I could personally care less if Kid Rock spends his non-touring days blowing Scott Ian. Kid Cock still sucks.

*begin sarcastic epilogue*

But at least he's made one viable contribution to pop culture...his role in 'Joe Dirt' was pure brilliance! I wasn't sure he could pull off an uneducated white trash dirtbag, but he proved me wrong!

*end sarcastic epilogue*

And to the person who began this thread, how can you possible call yourself 'NOFXsucks' and then begin a topic about Kid Rock? Now THAT'S laughable.
I dont mind the fucker. He's succesfull, good for him. I like the way he mixes his syles up. Not very original but he is way better/ tolerable then half of these other useless cocksuckers doing rap / metal.. I would rather here K.R then half the crap they play on the radio.
he fucking sucks, he makes metal and rap(although any new rap is laughable) look bad, he should STOP! MAKE IT STOP! DAMN YOU Kid Rock, DAMN YOU TO HELL!