
Mar 13, 2002
Your FKN' face!
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I took my son to Galactic Quest comics today so's he could get his Justice League Unlimited fix and I ran across this gem of a title called 'Marvel Zomies'. This is the shiz-o-nit.


It's based on an alternate Earth where all heros and villians (minus Magneto) are turned into the flesh hungry walking dead. When their food supply runs out - they devour Silver Surfer and attempt to eat Galactus.

Every issue also has a zombified tribute to a classic Marvel cover. :rock:

Look it up.
Wizard the guid to comics has been raving about it but there is no comic store around me and it has a 35 dollar price tag apparantly it has according to them.
add_em said:
Wizard the guid to comics has been raving about it but there is no comic store around me and it has a 35 dollar price tag apparantly it has according to them.

I'm sure that's for the hardcover collection. I got the whole series of 5 for cover price. 4 of 'em are 1st printings.
Cool... I will check it out on my lunch. I am lucky because there is a comic shop right by my work. I spent 60 dollars on comics yesterday:erk: Now it looks like I will spend a few more bucks. Thanks, Greg:Smug: :)
I loved that series. Same guy that does The Walking Dead for Image, Robert Kirkman. He's the new king of zombies. Check out The Walking Dead if you haven't. The first 24 issues are collected in 4 trade paperbacks.
There's a hardcover version of Marvel Zombies?
I just checked it today and it is for the first issue. Then you are pretty lucky if you got it for cover price. I looked on evil bay and they are alitle cheaper. I'll just wait till a trade paperback comes out like I always do.
Yeah, I just went to the comic shop and the guy said the first issue(first printing) is going for close to 50 bucks. So being the nerd that I am, I am going to save up for the first printing's of the series. You got a good deal if you got the first printings for cover price.

Have any of you checked out Brian Posehn's comic "The Last Christmas"? It's some funny shit. I can't wait for the rest to be released.
Black Thirteen said:
I loved that series. Same guy that does The Walking Dead for Image, Robert Kirkman. He's the new king of zombies. Check out The Walking Dead if you haven't. The first 24 issues are collected in 4 trade paperbacks.
There's a hardcover version of Marvel Zombies?

I went back and picked up issues 10 - 16 of The Waliking Dead today. Damn good storytelling with tons of gore. I also got a few Army of Darkness issues and that shit flat out rules!

I asked and found out The Marvel Zombies Hardcover will be out around August at around $32.

I was damn lucky the clerk yesterday sold them to me for cover price. :cool: