O/T: New Linkin Park


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I just got new Linkin Park CD "Meteora", I fortunately didn't spent a single dime on it, and what can I say, it's just like eating at McDonald's...
does anyone no how many copies it sold in first week in usa?

they wont be around for too much longer,this will be there lasy hurrah in my opinion.

i actually didnt mind there first album too much ,but i have heard bits and pieces of new one and it is quite boring!
they sold a LOT of copies, more than they deserve, Thrax would think they found God if they sold a quarter of what this shitty band did in its first week. there is no justice in the world.
the positive is anthrax have been going for over 20 years,so if u measure term of success with being in the scene for so long they will never hold a candle to anthrax

same goes for limp korn and the like!
I was in Best Buy the other day and they had, literally, shelves and shelves of that stupid CD. And you know what got me, the CD is like 36 minutes and was 14.99!! 19.99 w/ a bonus crappy DVD!! Why are they polluting the air waves??
prime666 said:
Folks I respect the backstreet boys more then linken park. At least one of em fucked Britney!

Which one? I thought there were only guys from these two boybands fucking her: N'Sync and Limp Bizkit...
remington69 said:
I was in Best Buy the other day and they had, literally, shelves and shelves of that stupid CD. And you know what got me, the CD is like 36 minutes and was 14.99!! 19.99 w/ a bonus crappy DVD!! Why are they polluting the air waves??

ever hear of slayer? :p
dutchy said:
Durst got dumped and Justin did her all the way!!!
@Johnnie..stop playing in front of the mirror you wannabee Linkin Park Rapper!!!!!!!!!

Aaaaah, you got me THAT exposed!!!!:cry: