o/t: reviews of "Sith" pouring into Tymerica Enterprises offices...

I can't believe that no one has put a review up yet...

After watching it once, I give a 7 out of 10. Something just wasn't there...
I saw it twice yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. I liked the book but had a feeling the film would dissapoint. Apart from a few things that annoyed me (Vader ripping out of his arm restraints ala frankenstien looked shit) All in all i thought it was pretty damn good.
Jockthrax said:
I saw it twice yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. I liked the book but had a feeling the film would dissapoint. Apart from a few things that annoyed me (Vader ripping out of his arm restraints ala frankenstien looked shit) All in all i thought it was pretty damn good.
I agree with your Frankenstien comment. That and when Vader goes, "Nooooooo!" were a little bit lame. Also, the 'surfing on lava battle' was a bit cheesey, and as Brent put it was "like Super Mario brothers all over again." But the rest of the movie makes up for these minor flaws.
And the ending to RotS was exactly what I was hoping for! :worship:
The circle is closed.:rock:
I agree with above, although a few things I would change it was an excellent movie. Was kinda odd hearing Vader going "no, no I couldn't have"