o/t: reviews of "Sith" pouring into Tymerica Enterprises offices...

ThraxDude said:
So, how exactly are you related to him, dude?

It all leads back to the end of slavery. His ancestors took the last name of my family. Apparantley all southern plantation owners weren't complete assholes as it turns out - the families plantation was the home to 17 freed slaves. After the end of the war the few that stayed with the family to help tend to the plantation and children decided to leave and strike out on their own, but take my families last name. it turns out this was not uncommon. Even blacks who were slaves took the names of their former owners if they were treated fairly. Anyway, his particular part of the family went across the ocean to England and made a new life.

That was from my fathers side of the family.

My mothers side was decidedly different as we've traced their roots directly to Jefferson Davis, President of the C.S.A.:erk:
GregadetH said:
It all leads back to the end of slavery. His ancestors took the last name of my family. Apparantley all southern plantation owners weren't complete assholes as it turns out - the families plantation was the home to 17 freed slaves. After the end of the war the few that stayed with the family to help tend to the plantation and children decided to leave and strike out on their own, but take my families last name. it turns out this was not uncommon. Even blacks who were slaves took the names of their former owners if they were treated fairly. Anyway, his particular part of the family went across the ocean to England and made a new life.

That was from my fathers side of the family.

My mothers side was decidedly different as we've traced their roots directly to Jefferson Davis, President of the C.S.A.:erk:

That's pretty interesting dude! I didn't know that about the slaves, that some took their master's names!
GregadetH said:
It all leads back to the end of slavery. His ancestors took the last name of my family. Apparantley all southern plantation owners weren't complete assholes as it turns out - the families plantation was the home to 17 freed slaves. After the end of the war the few that stayed with the family to help tend to the plantation and children decided to leave and strike out on their own, but take my families last name. it turns out this was not uncommon. Even blacks who were slaves took the names of their former owners if they were treated fairly. Anyway, his particular part of the family went across the ocean to England and made a new life.

That was from my fathers side of the family.

My mothers side was decidedly different as we've traced their roots directly to Jefferson Davis, President of the C.S.A.:erk:

So you are a true to the life red-neck piece of garbage. :confused:
As you guys seam to be SW geeks like myself, maby you can help me. Ive heard GL say this is the last film in the SW saga, but i remember an interview a few years ago when he said there would be another 3 films after Jedi. 3 stories iwith 3 parts to each story kinda thing. Anyone else know anything about this or was it just the voices in my head again?
Cant wait for the Sith, and the TV series aswell.
Ragman_kd said:
As you guys seam to be SW geeks like myself, maby you can help me. Ive heard GL say this is the last film in the SW saga, but i remember an interview a few years ago when he said there would be another 3 films after Jedi. 3 stories iwith 3 parts to each story kinda thing. Anyone else know anything about this or was it just the voices in my head again?
Cant wait for the Sith, and the TV series aswell.
I think George just changed his mind about that.

3 more days! :hotjump:
Upon further review, "The Phantom Menace" is a good movie!
Yes, in the Star Wars pantheon it is the least great of the movies, but one of the movies has to rank six out of six. It's like ranking your John Bush era Anthrax records: they are all great, but one of them has to rank 4th on your list.
I threw TPM DVD on to get ready for Weds. Night, and I haven't watched it in about a year, but I forgot how good it was:
Reasons I like TPM:
  1. I'm a fan of all things Star Wars (even the X-Mas special, the 80's cartoons, and, OK, I don't dig the Ewoks movies, but I did as a kid
  2. Action Sequences: It starts w/ Qui-Gon and Obi Wan kicking ass
  3. More Action: The Pod Race Sequence
  4. Ultimate Action: The Battle FOr Naboo, 3 battles at once, what more do you want
  5. Portman: you can't be a Portman fan and not dig TPM. She kicks butt all through this movie.
  6. How cool was the underwater world of Naboo, and how cool was our first view of Coruscant?
  7. Palpatine/Sidious: How great a schemer is this guy. He, at the same time, is letting the Trade Federation slaughter his people, while weazling his way into the Chancelor's seat. Setting up e/t for the next 5 movies.
  8. Darth Maul. Nuff said.
  9. Qui Gon. See Darth Maul

Bad things:
Anakin is a whiny bitch (but so was Luke)
Darth Maul does not get near enough cinematic time.
Jar-Jar is annoying (but in some scenes he did make me chuckle.)

OK. Not the best SW movie, but better than 90% of the dribble that comes out of Hollywood. I rest my case, and tonight I will screen AotC as I prepare for Sith.
I watched it again last week. TPM is okay... for a kid's movie. Jake Lloyd is the worst actor (child or adult) ever. He makes Mark Hamill look like DeNiro.
They should've cast Haley Joel Osment for young Anikin, then Episode I would've been 100 times better.
And don't even get me started on Jar-Jar Binks.:loco:
I agree with most of your comments. On a scale of 1-10, Episode I gets a 6.

AotC is way better.
It gets an 8 out of 10.

There's a Star Wars show on the Discovery Channel tonight at 8 pm.
ThraxDude said:
I watched it again last week. TPM is okay... for a kid's movie. Jake Lloyd is the worst actor (child or adult) ever. He makes Mark Hamill look like DeNiro.
They should've cast Haley Joel Osment for young Anikin, then Episode I would've been 100 times better.
And don't even get me started on Jar-Jar Binks.:loco:
I agree with most of your comments. On a scale of 1-10, Episode I gets a 6.

AotC is way better.
It gets an 8 out of 10.

There's a Star Wars show on the Discovery Channel tonight at 8 pm.

Yeah, I don't understand why people knock on AotC. I loved it. Hayden and Portman's acting is a little stilted, but to hear Lucas say it, there was a reason for that, and it is to see the growth in the next one. All I know is that I get a lot of growth at the mere mention of Natalie Portman. She is very imPortman to me.
ZTPioneer said:
Yeah, I don't understand why people knock on AotC. I loved it. Hayden and Portman's acting is a little stilted, but to hear Lucas say it, there was a reason for that, and it is to see the growth in the next one. All I know is that I get a lot of growth at the mere mention of Natalie Portman. She is very imPortman to me.

AotC was a weird mix of computer game and Backstreet Boys song/video for me.
But Natalie was beyond great, of course (I´m talking about the appearance)
Natalie Portman is gorgeous.
... So is Keira Knightley.
I think they're twins.
ThraxDude said:
Natalie Portman is gorgeous.
... So is Keira Knightley.
I think they're twins.

Kiera is like a renegade version of Natalie w/ boobs :loco:

Has Portman cut her hair way short (like Sinead O'Connor short) for a role?? I saw a pic of her and Lucas, and her hair looked super short, but it was a small b/w caption in the USA Today, so maybe she has it pulled back. At any rate, she was hot.
johnnieCzech said:
AotC was a weird mix of computer game and Backstreet Boys song/video for me.
But Natalie was beyond great, of course (I´m talking about the appearance)

I thought AotC had several great things going for it:
-Obi Wan really stands out, great character, we see him in his prime, and Ewan did some of the best acting of the movie

-Anakin keeps sliding towards darkness.

-Darth Tyrannus! I was pissed that they wasted Maul so quickly, but who could complain that Christopher Lee was cast as a Sith!

-The treacherous plot thickens. Tyranus ordering clones, to battle w/ Sidious's trade Federation droids.

-The love story. Anything w/ Portman.

-The planets were rad.

-The Death Star is seen!
Yes, AotC was pretty good. I liked it a little better than Return of the Ewoks.
Ewan McGregor did a good Alec Guinness impersonation.
I just hope that Hayden Christensen can pull off being Darth Vader.
ThraxDude said:
Yes, AotC was pretty good. I liked it a little better than Return of the Ewoks.
Ewan McGregor did a good Alec Guinness impersonation.
I just hope that Hayden Christensen can pull off being Darth Vader.

The force runs strong in you, young Snideious. But you are not a Jedi yet...............
ZTPioneer said:
Kiera is like a renegade version of Natalie w/ boobs :loco:

Has Portman cut her hair way short (like Sinead O'Connor short) for a role?? I saw a pic of her and Lucas, and her hair looked super short, but it was a small b/w caption in the USA Today, so maybe she has it pulled back. At any rate, she was hot.

She buzzed it of for her role in "V for Vendetta" I belive.