O/T: Some peoples kids!!


Feb 2, 2002
I am posting to vent... again. If you don't wanna read my complaining, stop now...

So, I'm sitting there playing Rainbow 6: Black Arrow, minding my own business when I hear dingdingdingdingding outside my window. It sounded like when you stick a pencil in a metal fan... MY AIR-CONDITIONER! (You may remember me whining that I just had to replace the fucking thing...)
So I opened the window, looked down at my AC unit, and sure enough, the little bastard boy who has been hanging around lately is sticking a fucking stick in my A/C unit!!!
I yelled down at him, "HEY!! Stop sticking stuff in the fan!!!!"
He continued to shove the stick in the AC unit: dingdingdingding.
So I run to my front door, put on my shoes, and run down the stairs. The AC unit is behind the building. So I quickly walked around the corner and yelled again, "HEY!! Stop that!!!"
The kid is about 7-years-old. I asked him, "Where are your parents???"
He said, "My dad's at work and my mom's home."
I asked, "Where do you live? We're going over there right now."
He said, "I don't know."
He wouldn't tell me, so I told him that I saw him playing with the little girl who lives on the other side of the parking lot, and I'd ask her parent's where he lives.
Then he was really scared. I had NO sympathy. None at all.
He followed me across the parking lot up to his friend's house.
I rang the bell of his friend's house and asked the mom there, "Do you know this guy?"
She said she did. She told me his name is 'Jaden' and that he was over earlier and his mom didn't know where he was and she fed him lunch. She pointed out his mom's car parked in front of her garage. The garage has the condo # on it. She said, "She lives at 745."
The little bastard said, "No she doesn't!"
I thanked his friend's mom and told him, "I'm going to talk to your mom whether you come with me or not!"
So I stormed off, and headed back to my building where his mom lives. I go in, see the little bastard's bike by the door, and ring the bell at #745.
Some white-trash looking blonde with a baby in her hand, bottle in it's mouth, answers the door. I asked her, "Is this your son's bike? Is his name Jaden?"
She said, "Yes."
I said, "Could you tell him to stop shoving sticks down my Air Conditioner??"
She said, "Oh, I'm sorry, honey. He just moved in here, he wasn't very well disciplined where he lived."
I think to myself, He's getting a lot of discipline here...:err: :Spin:
Then Jaden, the shit-ass little bastard, comes in and his mom says, "Why were you sticking thing's in an Air Conditioner unit?"
He said, "I didn't know!"
She said, "You know you shouldn't stick things in there. Do you want to pay for a new one? Do you have the money for that?"
I said, "It's $890, I just replaced it."
She asked shit-ass, "Do you have $890 to fix his Air Conditioner?"
He said, "I didn't know."
She apologized again, called me 'honey' again, and I left.
I'm glad I was here to catch that little un-supervised bastard.
I've said it again, and I'll say it now:


The End
Tad-I feel your pain. We live in a town home and our next door neighbors have been a pain in the ass. She has 5 kids by 3 different fathers, one of whom recently got out of prison for a meth conviction, one of the fathers lives there now. I was out of town for a couple days in May for work, and when I get home, my wife says "Alright, don't freak out"
I'm thinking-oh shit what happened
Turns out that the Twin 5-year old neighbor kids, their cousin, and another kid (who isn't supposed to be playing with the neighbor kids) thought it would be fun to throw rocks at my pickup. 5 Dings on the side. $1200 damage. Of course the parents weren't watching them at all-they never do.
Luckily one of our other neighbors (he's seen the kids throwing rocks before) saw it go down, and told the dad. The dad comes over and tells my wife "We've got an incident"

He tells her all what happened, and my wife says "Who's going to pay for all this?" He replies, "You've got insurance, don't you?" Like insurance doesn't cost anything. We had to pay $50 to have the insurance company go after them to pay for it, and we haven't gotten that back yet. My wife storms back in the house, calls the cops (not the first time that's had to be done for the neighbor kids destroying property)

The kid who wasn't supposed to play with them-His parents made him apologize, then come over again with a letter of apology-he was bawling he was so scared.
No apologies or anything from any of the other kids or their families-That's the thing that pissed me off the most-The kids don't even know that what they did was wrong because they're parents don't discipline them at all. If I would have done that when I was a kid, my dad would've kicked my ass seven ways to Sunday.

In the meantime their 14 year old daughter has all these shithead friends over all the time when the parents aren't home. Last week, they're hitting rocks with a baseball bat up against the siding on our house, 3 nights later her boyfriend tries to get in the back door of our house while we're in it. They supposedly flooded an empty house that was for sale in July and this past weekend, a neighbor caught them trying to break into a car. They're supposed to be moving in a couple weeks-hopefully.

I feel your pain, Tad, I feel your pain.

Oh yeah, these "wonderful, upstanding" people are somehow getting a "Habitat for Humanity" house, which is where they are moving in a couple weeks. What a fuckin joke.
jdelpi said:
Are they going to mandate abortions for those who get pregnant without a license? I'm really curious how this will work.

All women, from the ages of 9 and up, will be forced onto the pill. And they will have to take them in front of someone who will be responsible. Should a woman still become pregnant, she will be shot in the head and left in a dark alley. You can kill a woman, just not the fetus, ya see.
Ragamuffin said:
All women, from the ages of 9 and up, will be forced onto the pill. And they will have to take them in front of someone who will be responsible. Should a woman still become pregnant, she will be shot in the head and left in a dark alley. You can kill a woman, just not the fetus, ya see.
You're on the right track, Ragamuffin.
I don't know how exactly it would work. Something like that, forcing 9+ year-olds on birth control.
When they (boy or girl) are 16 years-old, they can try to pass the test to see if they would be reliable parents. If they fail, they continue to be forced to use birth control for 2 years.
If they fail the test again, they either have to get a vasectomy, or their tubes tied.
This would be the answer to A LOT of problems.

This is a sort of Republican idea, don't you think? Like having kid's get tested for mental health in grade school?
And although I vote Republican, I too am Pro-Choice... and pro Porn. Besides that, Republican is the way to go. (Not to bring up politics again...)
No politician will ever be perfect. Unless Adam Corolla becomes president.
CyThrax said:
I feel your pain, Tad, I feel your pain.
Yes you do! I hope your shit ass neighbors move sooner than later.
One more thing: As Adam (God) Corolla pointed out: the reason prisons are over-populated, and there are problems with welfare are all because of bad parenting.
I remember my friends old appartment, one of the other families who lived there where a nightmare. 4 or 5 kids who steal peoples bikes, go through peoples laundry in the laundry room, called every woman "hey, you are a fucking whore!". The dad sat in a bar all day and their mom, who knows...

That family needs to be exterminated.

You guys have my sympathies!
MichiMikey said:
Was she wearing a bra? Was her A/C unit on?
Yes. And Yes.

Well, I think she was wearing a bra... Her baby (who she probably has no idea who the father is) was blocking the view of her skanky, white-trash tits... which I was too pissed to even think about looking at.
And when I went to get my mail, to see if my Anthrax skateboard had arrived yet, her A/C unit was on.
Thra:rofl:ude, you were SO patient to talk to this kid's parents--I would probably have flipped out and chopped the bastard in half! I feel your pain.
jdelpi said:
If by "Republican," you mean "totally stupid," then yes.

You need a license to drive a car. You need a license to teach. You need a license to build a house. You need a license to do anything...
But any psycho can raise a kid without any responsibility.

Why do kids bring guns to school? Irresponsible parenting.
Why are YOU paying to support someone else's family? Because some people have 6 or 7 kids and say, "The government can take care of us."

Here's another thing, and I'm not sure if it's the same in every state. But in Colorado, birth control isn't covered by insurance. Although you could have 10 kids and your insurance would help pay for your 10 trips to the hospital, and medicine for 10 kids.
That's fucked up.
Birth control should be FREE to everyone!
I felt this yesterday at the Dr. Office. This family comes in a Grandpa Alsiemer'd out, a Grandma with a Walker but coherent, white Trash Rocker Mom and a kid that was so fucking hyper I wanted shove fucking half a bottle of Valium done his throat. Kids hopping all over, tearing up brochures and then asks if he can get some gum. He askes Mom for the money, yeah right, she sends him to Grandma, Grandma asks how much? Kid says $1.50, $1.50 for gum WTF, kid has so much attitude I was ready to throw him thru the window but Grandma would ready to beat me to it. :Spin:
Pre-teen females should be required to watch someone give birth. This way they understand that having a child is not something that should be taken lightly. It is not really a "convenient" thing to do, as some seem to think. It is sad that some people have kids and then remove themselves from any responsibility to raise them.
I used to have a neighbor at this apartment complex I used to live in. She was a single lady, but we called her the Crack Whore because she was at home all day, never worked, yet came home one day with a new, candy apple red Camero. Hell, one day a small 2 year old (or thereabouts) girl came home with her. Looked just like her 6 year old daughter. We lived there like a year and had never seen the little one, so we figurered that the smallest one had been taken away from her, and she was finally getting her back. Anyway, one day this teenage girl knocked on my door and was asking for this neigbor's 6 year old daughter. I told her that she did not live here, so she said thanks and left. Curious, I went to look out the window, and there was the Crack Whore, her mom, and two police officers. She had lost her kid and was having some of her family help her look around the apartments. I found out later that the 6 year old had taken her little sister and run off to McDonald's to play. The McDonald's in question was like three blocks away and she had to cross an intersection with heavy traffic. Apparently the employees there called the police because there were two kids there without parents.
This lady was psycho in so many ways. She was constantly yelling at her kid, calling her names I would not call a dog. She hated that little girl. I saw her one day at the doctor's office with her kid. Mom was all dressed up like Madonna circa 1980s. The land lady had said that her kids had been taken away from her before. The worst part was that Crack Whore's mom told me one day (after the 6 year old decorated my car and her mom's car with the contents of a bottle of pink antibiotic stuff) that the little girl had been diagnosed with ADD. I have a suspicion that ADD was not that girl's problem.