O/T: Star Wars TV series official!


New Metal Member
Apr 17, 2005
This is what my Sith Lord Master, Darth Starbucks (known as TD, when he was a Jedi pfff) told me............

What do you Star Wars afficionado's think of this! The premise is to fill in the void between Ep III and the Original SW. Just think, we'll get to see Darth Vader finishing off the Jedi, week by week.

:hotjump: :hotjump:
This could be really cool. I just hope they stick with the basics and don't try to base the show around a bunch of new characters that nobody gives a shit about.
I finished reading Revenge of the Sith last week. It was really good! You guys want to know what happens....???


Anakin turns into Darth Vader!!
ThraxDude said:
Anakin turns into Darth Vader!!

Really? That's ridiculous. What next? Luke & Leia brother and sister?

Seriously guys I just bought my premiere tickets for a midnight session on opening day of ROTS and given the time difference between Oz and the US that means I get to see it first before you lot :wave: The Force is with me.

ThraxDude you ruined it for me. I was hoping that Anakin eventually makes it to Mount Doom and throws the ring in.... um ... hang on... wrong trilogy.

Can't wait for the TV series - the clone wars cartoons were brilliant (especially the last 10 minute ones).
aliasp said:
ThraxDude you ruined it for me. I was hoping that Anakin eventually makes it to Mount Doom and throws the ring in.... um ... hang on... wrong trilogy.
The book was good. I hope the movie is as good.
KY_Fried442 said:
I just hope they stick with the basics and don't try to base the show around a bunch of new characters that nobody gives a shit about.
Did you ever see that shitass movie about the Ewoks and that little girl?
I guess that wasn't as bad as the Star Wars Christmas Special that emtfhII told me about...
The ewoks movies are oscar contenders compared to the christmas special. Dear god that thing was scary, but in a really funny way. Bea Arthur doing a musical number, Harvey Korman(sp.) playing a 4 armed alien Julia Child, an imperial officer jamming out to a Jefferson Starship video. The list goes on, and on. My brother found it on ebay and gave it to me for my birthday this year.
emtfhII said:
The ewoks movies are oscar contenders compared to the christmas special. Dear god that thing was scary, but in a really funny way. Bea Arthur doing a musical number, Harvey Korman(sp.) playing a 4 armed alien Julia Child, an imperial officer jamming out to a Jefferson Starship video. The list goes on, and on. My brother found it on ebay and gave it to me for my birthday this year.

I must get this! I'll put it next to my copy of the unreleased Fantastic Four movie.

remington69 said:
I must get this! I'll put it next to my copy of the unreleased Fantastic Four movie.

LOL, that unreleased Fantastic Four movie might actually be worse and believe me that's saying something. That Star Wars Christmas special might actually be good on acid but since I don't do acid I guess I'll never know.

P.S. Daydrinkin is BAD M'kay?
ZTPioneer said:
This is what my Sith Lord Master, Darth Starbucks (known as TD, when he was a Jedi pfff) told me............

What do you Star Wars afficionado's think of this! The premise is to fill in the void between Ep III and the Original SW. Just think, we'll get to see Darth Vader finishing off the Jedi, week by week.

:hotjump: :hotjump:

Lucas wants to direct all of the first season too:

I have my midnight show ticket. woohoo.

I remember seeing the 3rd part of the matrix when they started the initial showing at the same time all around the world so no one could leak it. I ended up seeing it at 5am Arizona time. :ill:
tattooedsean666 said:
I have my midnight show ticket. woohoo.

I remember seeing the 3rd part of the matrix when they started the initial showing at the same time all around the world so no one could leak it. I ended up seeing it at 5am Arizona time. :ill:

Yes Matrix Revolutions ... great film ... NOT! What a letdown ending it had!

Anyway any of you guys seen the excellent clone wars cartoons? I have em all downloaded and they are brilliant - I even managed to score some of the figurines from the cartoons on the cheap. More items to add to my growing Star Wars collection thats all being packed away to eventually make me filthy rich when I am old(er) and fat(ter).