Your favorite bad guys from movies

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Which evil dudes do you think are the coolest ever put on screen?

Mine are in no particular order:

Darth Maul - Star Wars
Darth Vader - Star Wars
Ring Wraiths / Dark Riders- Lord of the Rings
Dr Evil - Austin Powers
The Prison Warden from The Shawshank Redemption
Lord Farquaid - Shrek

Of all of these, I'd have to say that the Ring Wraiths from LOTR are my favorites. They looked so cool, and created a really dark atmosphere for the film, which I loved. I liked the way Peter Jackson directed that scene where the Hobbits are hiding behind the tree from the Dark Rider, and all the worms and spiders and such begin to rise to the surface of the ground because they felt the evil! That was awesome!

I watched the Phantom Menace on DVD today, and I have come to the conclusion that it isnt a bad movie. It has some really cool scenes in it. All of the fighting sequences with Qui Gon, Obi Wan, and Darth Maul are awesome! I am looking forward to Attack of the Clones, but I do hope that it is darker than Phantom Menace. My fave of the SW series is Empire Strikes Back, cause it is the darkest. I hope Attack of the Clones is like that, which I have a funny feeling that it will be!
Yes, the Ring Wraiths are awesome!

Others in no particular order:

Sir August de Wynter (Sean Connery's character) - The Avengers
Ok, this was a fucking horrible movie, but I think it was an awesome performance from Sean Connery. He does the 'bad guy' thing so well.

Wah Sing Ku (Jet Li's character) - Lethal Weapon 4
This guy is EVIL! I had only seen Jet Li in "Romeo Must Die" (great movie!) before I saw LW4, and I was shocked to death. Great actor. :)

Hades - Disney's Hercules
Ok, so I have been watching a few cartoon movies lately with my girlfriend. Hades (voice by James Woods) was hilarious. Definately one of the best cartoon villains I have seen.

The Joker (Jack Nicholson's character) - Batman
The ultimate villain! Homicidal and highly entertaining bad guy in the only decent Batman movie IMO. :)

The Terminator - The Terminator
Arnie's mission is to kill, and he won't stop until the mission is complete!

Garland Greene (Steve Buscemi's character) - Con Air
One of the most dangerous men in America, but so plain and calm. Definately more scary than any hideous monster!

Is about all I can think of at the moment. :)
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg

The Joker (Jack Nicholson's character) - Batman
The ultimate villain! Homicidal and highly entertaining bad guy in the only decent Batman movie IMO. :)

Garland Greene (Steve Buscemi's character) - Con Air
One of the most dangerous men in America, but so plain and calm. Definately more scary than any hideous monster!

I was gunna say those two,

Alex from A Clockwork Orange. He's so fuckin evil at the start,

Shredder from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-the movie. He was cool.
* The Terminator (The original of course)

* Boba Fett (How can you people leave him out! :) )

* The Joker (Of course, he rocks, you cant beat an entertaining homicidal maniac! Cos he will beat you back...ha....anyway...)

* Catwoman (ooooooh good GOD id marry her if I could.... :) She probably isnt really a bad guy, seeing that she is a woman... oh these jokes are so terrible... anyway, she was sort of good and bad)

* That guy Tommy Lee Jones was in Under Siege. Classic.

* Magneto from X-men (All the more scary because you can understand why he wants to kill everyone)
Stifler and The Sherminator from American Pie.

The Walkin' Dude from The Stand, except that in the mini-series, the performance was ordinary. Read the book, and see how cool Randall Flagg is!

Ben Stiller as Tony Perkis in a very little known movie called Heavyweights. Ben Stiller is an evil dude.

Alan Rickman in Die Hard. Magnificent.

The Borg in Star Trek : The Next Generation.

Umpire Darrell Hair in the 4th Test, Australia v West Indies in Adelaide, 1992/3, giving Craig McDermott out caught behind off his helmet, thus making Australia lose the Test by 1 run. He is the most evil of all.......
Originally posted by Spruce Goose
Darth Maul - Star Wars
Darth Vader - Star Wars
Ring Wraiths / Dark Riders- Lord of the Rings

I have to agree with all of these.

Spawn - You're right about Tommy Lee Jones. EVIL!

Joe Salami - Darrell Hair??:lol:
Originally posted by Sydo

Joe Salami - Darrell Hair??:lol:

He's an evil man, Sydo...

Especially when you had grown up getting yer arse whooped by the Windies everytime you played them.....and then just when you thought you had finally won a series against them..........Darrell Hair steps in.........

In the movie, Darrell Hair will be played by John Goodman. I will be playing Allan Border.
But he also 'no-balled' that Sri-Laken dude - who has since gone on to become one of the all-time highest firstclass test wicket takers.
Chucky - He is an evil little prick....

Jason Vorhees - Had a hockey mask AND a chainsaw, and just looked damn cool. Reminds me of a joke... I went to a boxing match and a game of hockey broke out. Thank you, thank you..

I cant BELIEVE these 2 have been left out....... The Alien and The Predator! 2 of the most kick ass evil motherf**kers ever! :headbang:
Originally posted by Joe Salami

Alan Rickman in Die Hard. Magnificent.

How about Alan Rickman when he played the Sherriff in Robin Hood...sad movie I know but he was awesomely evil.

Oh, an Scar from the Lion King :lol:
You are right..... Bobba Fett is an awesome bad guy!
And by all accounts, his father... Jango Fett, who will be the main bad guy in Attack of the Clones, is awesome as well!
I have seen a pic of Jango, and he looks cool!
Originally posted by Jozxyqk

How about Alan Rickman when he played the Sherriff in Robin Hood...sad movie I know but he was awesomely evil.

"And call off Christmas!" :lol:
Clancy Brown in Highlander. Not my favourite, but he was better than that self-pitying French pansy. :D


Hans Gruber
The Terminator
Lord Humungous

Darth Vader was the best though, and he had the coolest music. Boba Fett and Darth Maul were sad disappointments. They both had great potential but failed too easily

Oh and a very close runner up to that family, is Sardu the Master Of The Macabre and his perverted midget helper Ralphus in Bloodsucking Freaks!!! And the doctor who performs the live brain surgery on that poor girl in that movie rocks too, he is a sick sick man!

Also the cult of chainsaw worshipping prositutes in Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers!

Other good ones: Freddy Krueger, Sammi Curr in Trick Or Treat, and the demented little twin who is just a head with arms in Basket Case who gets carried around in a basked by his twin brother to get revenge on the doctors who separated them!
The Sheriff in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves"
Annie Wilkes in "Misery"
The bloke John Malkovich played in "In the Line of Fire"
The shark in "Jaws"
Max Cady in "Cape Fear" (both versions)
Lee J. Cobb's character in "On the Waterfront"
Amon Goeth in "Schindler's List"

Can't think of any off the top o' me head...
Mr Burns! (Joe reminded me about the Simpsons!)

Of course, dont forget Mcbains arch nemesis, Mendoza!