Has George Lucas lost his f%*king Mind!

Spruce Goose

Then Goose me up woman!
Apr 17, 2001
Ok, I just heard a vicious rumour that there is a group of Jedis who are played by none other than poofter group NSYNC!

I heard this from another messageboard, and I told a friend about it. He did not believe me, so he checked the official Star Wars website, and found out that it was true.
I couldnt find anything about it on the site, but I will take his word for it.

Bullshit to that. First Jar Jar, and now NfreakinSYNC!
What is Lucas thinking. I tell ya what, they better not be singing dancing Jedi's. That would really piss me off.

I was looking forward to Episode II more than any other cinema release of 2002, but after seeing LOTR, I have now changed my mind. I am looking forward to the 2 Towerds so much. I loved Fellowship of the rings. It was so dark and eerie. Especially the Dark Riders/Ring Wraiths. They were freakin awesome!
Yeah it maybe true, I read it in our local Newspaper. But the good news is they are only in it for a few seconds and then they die. It said the only wau you could tell it was them is when the DVD come out.
Quite honestly I think he lost his mind way before this happened, but that is just me :lol:

Oh, I am so gonna be attacked by all the Star Warts fans :D
Im an even bigger fan than Lord Tim and I have to admit Im a little worried George is losing the plot. The acting in Episode 1 was BEYOND atrocious. That was what ruined it for me. The story was fine, and Jar Jar doesnt annoy me much, but the acting...oh GOD the acting.....
"But Master Yoda told me to be mindful of the future" Wanker.

Anyway, I think when all 3 movies are done it will be a lot better. I hope.
I agree Spawn. Not just the acting - but the script.

"But Master Yoda told me to be mindful of the future" What sort of line is that? :mad: :lol:
Well, I think the script will make a lot more sense when the 2nd and 3rd ones come out. After I watched the first one I wondered what the hell it had to do with anything, then I realised it was more about The Emporers political manoueverings than the gungans or jedi.

In the end, kids enjoyed it, and I was a kid when I enjoyed the first trilogy, so I guess its not all bad. Except for the actin of course....

"Are you an angel?" Tosser.
I don't mean the story itself, but the screenplay - the words.
Like that line you mentioned, it was all too clichéd.
I actually heard worse rumours then that. I heard he wanted to get Celine Dion and Van Halen (Maybe it wasn't Van Halen but it was someone similar) to do the music hahaha.. if thats true you can forget me ever caring about those movies ever again haha
Originally posted by ironcross
I actually heard worse rumours then that. I heard he wanted to get Celine Dion and Van Halen (Maybe it wasn't Van Halen but it was someone similar) to do the music hahaha.. if thats true you can forget me ever caring about those movies ever again haha

This HAS to be false. Please god, it has to be. John Williamson's music is as much of Star Wars as is Yoda or Chewie. (or is it John Williams? I keep getting those two mixed up. I'm pretty sure it's Williamson though. Could you imagine? "Hey Chewbacca, Don't say you've gone, Say you've knocked off for a smoko, and you'll be back later on". Bleech. Now I've got that somg running through my head. Curse me to hell!)
Originally posted by phlogiston

This HAS to be false. Please god, it has to be. John Williamson's music is as much of Star Wars as is Yoda or Chewie. (or is it John Williams?

It's John Williams. The Williamson dude is that country guy.
yeh, John Williamson is the guy that sings about having a home among the gum trees and ripp riipp wood chip... I should know.. I heard enough of it in my childhood :s

Apparently.. the Celin Dion thing is because Enya did Lord of the Rings. My god could you imagine the revolting film clip to come out of that one :p
NSync scene dropped from Star Wars film

NSync say they have been dropped from the new Star Wars movie.

Joey Fatone rang a Florida radio station to say the scene has been scrapped.

He told the Carson Radio Show on 93.3 FLZ it was because people were making a big deal about it.

Fatone said the band had visited the set of Attack Of The Clones and were going to do a small scene.

He said: "I'm going to make it officially known they dropped it because people made a big deal about it.

"We're not going to be in it and I'm not going to comment on it any more."

Star Wars fans voiced their dismay at the group's appearance, on websites like www.TheForce.net.

Story filed: 12:17 Thursday 10th January 2002

All I can say is thank god :)
In other news, it turns out that Peter Jackson gave Dave Dobbyn of "Slice of Heaven" fame a cameo in the next Lord of the Rings film.

OK, maybe not.
George Lucas May have been the great visionary, but I think after seeing Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson is the new master.

Maybe if instead of Jar Jar they through in a few feebles, instead of a feeble character it would be better.