Lost to Apathy thoughts

Yea it sounds a bit back to the roots. But it's better than going the commercial way (just like In Flames).

Still I prefer the Damage Done sound. If they want changes, than get Mikaels (brilliant) voice more unclean and the songs longer ;)
Lost To Apathy said:
@Delirious: I don't get it? :p I saw it on the disc today when I opened it up, and I saw rahvins sig, so I thought maybe rahvin had conspired that or something. ;)
oh, sorry, a misunderstanding. i thought you simply wondered from where he had taken it...
ok, here are my thoughts on Lost to Apathy:
The song is pretty good-not the best stuff from DT, but definately on the right track. my concern is the production. during the fast picking section, the guitars become muddled and dont sound precise. The production reminds me of Haven, which i didn't like. I loved the production on projector and damage done-dirty, yet clear and in-your-face.
Interesting comments herein. I already posted these on the "Which album did you just buy" -thread, but as I haven't changed my thoughts since then, let's repeat them here, as this is a more appropriate thread.

The title-track is a good song, but not too enduring, IMHO. Having listened to it in mp3-format on a daily basis for a week or so I have pretty much become bored with it. It is probably a good choice for a single, though, as it hooks the listener immediately and remains in your head even on the next morning. For us, who thirst for a less straight-forward and more challenging DT-experience, it is but an appetizer. In that sense it represents Monochromatic Stains a lot. I will review the song more properly as a part of the album, once Character is out.

Derivation TNB is interesting, but somehow "elusive". This far I've been unable to "open it up" so to speak. Calm and soothing, but also foreboding - that's pretty much all I can say about it now. Will have to listen to it more (which is certainly a positive thing).

The Chaos Seed remix of The Endless Feed has this far been the most captivating track on the EP - which should be quite a surprise, as I have never been fond of any remixes or the kind of electronic music the track supposedly represents. Somehow I just find loads of emotions in the chaotic structure of the song and in the many separate sounds, be they from guitars or keyboards (there's one particular keyboard-part that reminds me of the intro to the old game called Phantasy Star IV). Another Archetype this certainly ain't, of which I'm very thankful. I can't wait to hear the album-version of the song.

The live-version of UnDo Control is pretty unnecessary for me, as I have it on the Live Damage DVD and much rather watch the performance than just listen to it. I tend to skip this track and go back to the first or second song instead.

The video on Lost to Apathy is excellent in my opinion - simple, yet creative and certainly emits a huge amount of emotion to the viewer. Renewed my interest on the song for sure!

The screensaver is very nice as well; the great live-pictures remind me of the past summer and Tuska - and I believe I even spotted myself on one of them! :D

The artwork on the CD-case and the booklet (and the CD itself!) are of the typical high quality of Niklas' Cabin Fever stuff. Nothing to complain about, although there really isn't much to see in a mere two-page booklet.

Overall, well worth the 5.95€ (from cdon.com) for me. :kickass:

well, DT dissapointed me again, but still is as one of my favourite band. i don´t like Haven, i don ´t like Damage done and i don´t like Lost to Apathy :yuk:
for me, DT brings nothing new last few years, i really like the old stuff :rock: Projector is the best album ever :worship: music is about feeling a i feel nothing when listening to the newer stuff.

Well LTA is an ok sampler of the track, but i think Derviation TNB is just ok. Undo Control Live rocks however.....

LTA is just a GLIMPSE into the monster of an album Character really is. For those of you that havent herd Character your going to be amazed!!!!
Well, I have had LtA now for awhile so maybe it is suitable time to type down few words about it.

LtA, the title track is catchy song and sold itself to me immediably. But it can bear much more of listening times that I thought at first place. It even did grow with me and I like this really much. Mikael voice is substantially better than in DD. Growls really express deep feelings to me. And at the end, the song structure isn't too simple, it has enough hooks in it. Great track and if all the tracks in Character will succeed to be as good as this, then I'm really at loss for words (of devotion).

Derivation TNB, it did surprise at first place, slow and calm has many said. And that's true. Very atmospheric and in some turns reminds me from Hedon. For me this track express some sad and melancholic feelings. I don't know how to associate this track with Character? Lot's of the (positive) questions arises in me, this makes me impatient with the wait for Character.

Endless Feed (chaos seed remix), is quite chaotic in good way. I don't really find words for this, I just can't wait that I can hear the album version. But I like a lot. Maybe even the best track in LtA.

UnDo Control live, this is on Live Damage so nothing new about this. Nice to listen and I haven't skipped it yet a single time.

Video was better than I expected. Better than Monochromatic Stains video. Handsomely express LtA to visual experiences.

This is really worth of buying. No space left to whine.