Holy Midnight Has Lost His Mind Batman!

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!! This is going to be awesome, it looks I need to buy several copies to try and get the platinum ticket!

CRIMSON GLORY frontman Midnight will be accepting pre-orders for his new concept album, "M2 - Decending into Madness" (D.I.M). 112 copies of this concept album will be unique from any and all others, after which that master will be destroyed. In order to preserve his vision for this album, these 112 will be produced in-house, partially due to the fact that the manifacturers are reluctant to mass-produce some of the content within the album, and partially due to the fact that 48 of the first 112 will be very special and must be hand-made to include the following:

01. Studio outtakes (conversations and strange sounds Midnight produces between takes)

02. One handwritten autographed page from Midnight's personal lyrics used to create the album. There are NO copies — these are the original scribblings. Each of the 112 will be the only ones in existence. Some will contain lyrics that were never used in the actual songs and some will also have poetry doodilings/art. The lyric sheets will all be personally signed by Midnight.

03. Each of the 112 CDs will be numbered and encoded for authenticity..

04. 12 of the 112 albums will contain a "platinum ticket CD" (these will be the only 12 copies in existence in the world). The packadge will also contain a lifetime free access/backstage pass to all CRIMSON GLORY, MIDNIGHT and BEN JACKSON GROUP festivals and/or concert events worldwide for you and a guest.

05. Another group of 12 of the 112 will contain a "golden ticket CD" (the only 12 copies in existence in the world). This package will also contain an invitation for you and a guest to attend a personal reunion party with all the members of CRIMSON GLORY, BEN JACKSON GROUP and the MIDNIGHT band... free food/drink/jam sessions (and other assorted party favors) and digital photos from your visit to Sarasota, Florida will be provided. The 12 will contain a secret e-mail address and the CRIMSON reunion party will be coordinated as closely as possible around the winners' combined schedules.

06. Another group of 12 will receive a "silver ticket CD" (the only 12 copies in existence in the world). These will contain a handwritten certificate good for one free "D.I.M." (Decending Into Madness) straitjacket replica long-sleeve t-shirt.

07. Another group of 12 will contain an "aluminum ticket CD" (the only 12 copies in existence in the world). These will contain a photo of Midnight in the studio. Each of the 12 will be different and the negatives burned.

08. ONLY these 112 CDs will contain special segue soundclips between songs.

09. The first 112 will have 12 different cover designs and different art on the CD itself... all unique from each other. They will NEVER be reproduced again. (no one will know which they will receive.)

10. The 112 will also have a live recorded clip of one of Midnight's split personalities interviewing himself. (Don't ask.)

11. The first time Midnight produced a limited release that wasn't even an album but an EP (the EP entitled "M"), it soon became a collectors' item and was selling for upwards of $200 per copy on eBay.

12. In case you live under a rock, Midnight has also rejoined CRIMSON GLORY for a reunion album/tour... coming soon. The resurgence of this magical group will only increase the value of "M2".

13. There is no 13. What else do you want?

14. Your odds of winning an EXTREMELY rare CD is almost 50/50 and ALL of the 112 CDs will surely become collectors' items very quickly. You have Midnight's personal guarantee these will be one-of-a-kind and never reproduced again EVER in this format.

Details of pre-orders and song clips for "D.I.M." and Midnight's previous album, "Sakada", are avaliable at TheMidnightMansion.com.
diablomozart said:
maybe clever but kinda cool too...nice to see an artist give his fans a chance to meet them without paying for the platinum packages that so many seem to be doing these days...d.m.

That's nice and all, but what about the music? No mention of that was made in the entire message. I don't care what kind of gimmicks are packaged with the CD if I don't like the music.
Curufin said:
Clever marketing ploy.

It's really not. Maybe if it stopped after the first 3 or 4, but really ALL that trouble to sell exactly 112 CDs? Unless they're going for $100+ a piece or something, it's not clever marketing at all. Just crazy marketing. In fact if you consider the probable costs to produce and manufacture it, it's the very definition of bad marketing. I just love the thread title "...Lost His Mind..." Could someone remind me again, at what point was he sane?
Sumeet said:
That's nice and all, but what about the music? No mention of that was made in the entire message. I don't care what kind of gimmicks are packaged with the CD if I don't like the music.

true true...and wiht midnight theres no telling what it'll sound like either...lol...d.m.
I'm not a fan of his at all, but I'm pretty tempted to buy this just to sell it for whatever it may be worth later... oO
And I've got a bridge here in Arizona to sell you.

Seriously, he's taking "pre-orders"??? Given Midnight's history, there's no way I'd give him money upfront.
04. 12 of the 112 albums will contain a "platinum ticket CD" (these will be the only 12 copies in existence in the world). The packadge will also contain a lifetime free access/backstage pass to all CRIMSON GLORY, MIDNIGHT and BEN JACKSON GROUP festivals and/or concert events worldwide for you and a guest.

Great. That's like maybe two shows. Ten years from now, I'm sure the cranked up bouncer at the door will be more than happy to honor your wrinkled up, faded piece of construction paper.
Haha... the only thing that runs through my head while reading this is that stupid song from the original "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!"

"I've got the golden tick-et... yes, I've got the golden tick-et!"