OMFG!!! Attack of the Clones!!!

Glad to hear its better than Phantom Menace...that was a dissapointment. I absolutely hated that Ja-ja binks all seemed a bit childish.....I know thats a weird comment when talking about sci-fi movies, but there was a maturity to the script and acting in the original star wars series, generally speaking and i thought george lucas had lost it after i saw phantom menace
Yeah, as Kem said in another thread, it's alot more like the old trilogy, and just seems to fit with those films alot more than with 'The Phantom Menace'. I think the movie had more of a darker feel to it than TPM also....kinda like 'The Empire Strikes Back'.

And yes, Jar-Jar was pretty darn annoying in TPM, but he doesn't get as much screen time in AOTC, and they watered him down a bit, so it is alright. :D

AOTC on a whole was just a really great movie, much better than TPM. I think I liked it so much because it had quite an interesting story line, and I had no-idea what was gonna happen next, like if you watched the original trilogy back in their time I guess. A few twists with a bit of suspense, is great! :D I also hear alot of people saying that they like AOTC as much as, if not more than the originals! :eek:

Although I questioned it when TPM was released, George Lucas definately ain't lost his marbles yet!
AOTC rocks! And when I was reading the opening screen crawl thing, for the first time I thought, "It's not such a silly title after all!".
AHHHHHH!! I can't wait to see AOTC!!!! I actually liked TPM despite everyone else's opinion!! It was obviously a big big victim of the hype machine and even george lucas said maybe he went to far with it. Even Jar Jar didn't get on my nerves so much!! :lol:
Attack of the Clones ruled :D

Saw it last night, hehe Deathsticks. I liked that part :D

They should have had more of Yoda in it, specifically arse-kicking Yoda :)
The "arse-kicking Yoda" bits were totally arse-kicking :) Infact at the cinema I saw it in last night, everyone was cheering and clapping during the movie when the "arse-kicking Yoda" bits where taking place.
Hey Blitzkrieg, I'm not so sure on the twists part.

I spoke to a friend who is a Star Wars freak. We spoke about what would happen in the movie before hand. And it pretty much went exactly that way. If you really think about it, there isn't much George Lucas can do with the plot as the path has already been set.

Sure there were some unexpected bits , like the Yoda bit and a few of the other side plots and funnier moments, but really the movie has to follow a path.

However, this I'm not saying it was bad. I loved it. I'm probably going to see it again tonight.

Also, of those who have seen it, what do you think of where they ended the movie? It leaves a lot for the 3rd movie. Once more people have seen it and the chance of spoiling it for everyone has gone, maybe we can chat about it some more.

After watching the movie, I think the title is a little misleading as well.
C'mon it wasn't THAT good :p


The first half was mediocre, the final 30-40mins kicked ass.

Hayden Christianson can't act to save himself most of the time, only after his mum died did he start to unwind. Natalie Portman while damn fine was still a little wooden. Ewan MacGreggor was much better than in TPM, which is good to see.

The fireplace scene and the rolling in the grass scene's were cringe worthy. Lucas is not good at doing romance.

The Yoda scene did make up for most of the earlier scene's though.

All in all better than TPM, but still not in the same league as a new hope and empire.
What I ment by the 'twists' is the whole story line with the clone army and the parts with the Count. There was moments when I was not sure who had the good and bad intentions, but it all became more clear as the movies took different turns towards the finale. It's true that the end result is set in stone, but the story can pretty much do whatever it likes before it gets to Episode IV (within reason). I didn't know what was going to happen in Episode II because I didn't really want to think about it all that much, and just wait till I had seen it. I didn't know anything about the Count Dooku character or anything, which is how I would prefer to watch a movie, knowing as little about it as possible. Makes it more interesting. :)
The same goes for Episode III, I think they could pretty much do anything with it, as long as it starts and ends the way we know it will, what happens in between is anyones guess.

I didn't find the acting that bad at all, especially compared to TPM, and yes, Ewan McGreggor did a fine job! And Christopher Lee was great, just as he was in 'Lord Of The Rings', the evil bastard! :D
It has to be said again, Yoda is a muthafucka.

And the story has been set out for years. I have a mate who is a total Star Wars freak, and he was talking about what happens between ep.1 and 4 since ep.1 came out. In general terms, mind you, not specifics.