o/t The Attack of the Clones

Originally posted by augdawg2

I thought the same thing Jono when I viewed "Attack of the Clones", but lets not forget how whiny Luke is, he had to inherit it from someone. I also enjoyed the movie! And I also agree that "Empire" is still the best!



That's a good point. How could I forget how Luke whined.
Thanks for pointing that out, Dawg!
Owen was old. I doubt he probably would remember them. I bet something happens in EPIII that makes him forget who they are. But EPII kicked ass. I just caught it this sunday. And damn, does Senator Amidala look hot or what?
I just recently rewatched episode V, and well, not to be a critic, but Obi-Won says he was trained by Yoda, yet he was trained by Qui-Gon. Am I looking to closely into this or what?

P.S. I thought the same thing about Owen. Also, He says he is Anakin's half Brother, but I think he means Step brother, because there is no way shmi could have gotten married and had a grown up son in ten years.(he did say half right? I might have not heard him right)
I think he said step-brother, but I could be mistaken. I think the implication is a step-brother though.

As for Amidala being hot, I can't say that she does much for me. She's kinda cute, but nothing more. Making her less attractive are her wooden acting, her inability to hold a gun properly, and the cheesey way she runs.
I'm sure Obi Wan spent some time at the Jedi temple with the other kids before he became Qui Gon's padawan. Besides, Obi's not known for his honesty....


(Owen said "step")
One more thing, and this is not a error but more of something to look for in the next one. Obi-Won says "luke is there last hope", and Yoda says "there is another". Luke and Lea are Twins, Right? So I wonder how Obi-Won does not know of Lea, if he knows about Luke.
Perhaps no one knows of Lea. But maybe Yoda knows 'cause he's a smart mother fucker.
Maybe Mace Windu knows too. He's the Jedi Fuckin Master. He got his technique down, he be usin' the Force and everything.
The story telling is weak. Lucas worried too much about the digitalization of the film. the first action sequence goes too long.
I would like to see more of the transformation of anakin towards the dark side.

It is better than phantom menace(like that would be hard) but doesn't come close to the original three.
too much focus on digitalization and not enough on the story. I would have loved to have seen more of the transformation of anakin and less of his whining.

it is cool to see the clone warriors as they looked obviously alot like the future storm troopers.

that last scene as they march and you see the big ships used in future movies brought it alittle closer to the original three.

the opening chase scene dragged on too long
...What the FUCK is up with the flying R2-D2?
Where did that come from? Did he forget how to fly in Episode IV? Or does R2 prefer to drive around Tatooine in the sand when he could be flying over it?
That's the only gripe I have about Episode II.
Maybe in episode 3 the jets get damaged...or maybe when Leia shoves in the death star plans inside she screws up some of the circuits.

Yeah, there are a lot of inconsisties if you look for them. I'm wondering if it would have been better for Lucas to do Episodes 7, 8, and 9 instead, so the story could be progressed with an ending that we wouldn't already know.

Well, by the time my kid is old enough to watch them and understand, s/he can watch all six movies in order, and wonder why the special effects got worse half way through the series :lol:
Originally posted by tattooedsean666
too much focus on digitalization and not enough on the story. I would have loved to have seen more of the transformation of anakin and less of his whining.

Yeah, but it wouldn't be a Star Wars movie if there wasn't a whiny character. :lol: EPIII will rival Empire. It's supposed to be dark, and the bad guys win, just like Empire.