OMFG!!! Attack of the Clones!!!

There has been heaps of books written about other story lines by a number of different authors that get the official stamp from George Lucas, but I don't think he has anything to do with any of them. If another trilogy was made, I think it would probably be original, and different from any of the storys written thus far, as Lucas would be doing most of the writing...
Originally posted by phlogiston
They are Lucas' plots. I believe all Star Wars stuff has to be approved by him first.
Yeah, its all approved by him, but that doesn't make them his plots. I think if he was to write the next trilogy himself (story and screenplay), he would come up with some original ideas, and not just lift them all from a bunch of novels written by different authors ten years earlier. :)
I might see AOTC again today if there's nothing else on worth seeing. It doth rock like nothing else hath rocked before (in the last couple of months, anyway!).
Read the Timothy Zahn trilogy, its as good as the first 3 movies. They are awesome books!