Attack of the clones.

Originally posted by requiem

By the way, I don't think anyone would confuse the fantasy genre with German folk tales.

Fairy tales are, for the majority, derived from word of mouth tales from the Black Forest in Germany, compiled by the Grimm brothers in the late 19th century.

They are not elaborate works of fiction, or fictional worlds conjured by an author. They are simply a region's historical tales which have been twisted by time into allegory.

I am aware of this, I was rather talking about the fantasy elements being there.
Sorry if that was confusing (I do that a lot :D )
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
I am aware of this, I was rather talking about the fantasy elements being there.
Sorry if that was confusing (I do that a lot :D )

Oh sure. There have been elements of fantasy for time immemorial. Try religion for example ;)
Originally posted by requiem

Like I said, it's all in the ending...

Sorry, but people who say they don't like the book without having finished it don't exactly impress much confidence on me.

i have read it, twice and am reading it for a 3rd time atm...but i have to agree with others...if you don't like it by page 600 theres no point forcing yourself to read the next 600 pages just to make sure that you really don't like for all being in the ending, which ending? i've never read a book which ends so many times...they destroy the ring, then go back to gondor, then back to see the elves, then back to the shire, and then theres the grey havens...lotr is in need of serious editing...too many of the chapters are completely pointless
I thought that the movie was great and I also found the book impossible to complete for the same reasons that were stated.

"I'm just waiting to see how Star Wars is going to respond to interest shifting towards LOTR...maybe they'll have Jar Jar turn evil and start referring to everything as "my preciousssss" or have Yoda grow a beard and wear a pointy hat."

Demonspell thanks for the laugh!!! :lol:
For what it's worth, I'm all for featuring N'Sync in the Attack of the Clones movie. They look very believable, like real clones. On the other hand, they may be only androids. But do they actually dream of electric sheep ?

While not a fanatic, I love Tolkien's trilogy and will re-read it in the future. You have to immerse yourself in the text, it's surely no run-of-the-mill fantasy tripe; unless you pay attention to the details, you're going to fall asleep. And in that case, why read books at all?

I haven't seen the movie yet, but at this point I'm quite sceptical. I hope it's not a Hollywood-style bubble-gum "blockbuster" - I require cinematic depth in every single frame/shot. Another point - the book was perfectly paced, and if the movie is too fast and not contemplative (like the books are), then better not to make it at all.

D Mullholand
Originally posted by D Mullholand

I haven't seen the movie yet, but at this point I'm quite sceptical. I hope it's not a Hollywood-style bubble-gum "blockbuster" - I require cinematic depth in every single frame/shot. Another point - the book was perfectly paced, and if the movie is too fast and not contemplative (like the books are), then better not to make it at all.

That's what I thought. Personally I loved the movie, although like most movies, it doesn't have a thing on the book. Still, it's much better than anything I thought they could have done.
Originally posted by D Mullholand

unless you pay attention to the details, you're going to fall asleep. And in that case, why read books at all?

Exactly. It's a work of details all forming together to produce a whole. It takes concentration... it's a fucking book. Not all books can be like hour long t.v specials.
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja

Or maybe I think it's same bunch cliche like most fantasy books:eek:

Yeah, but the difference here is Lotr is where all those cliches were born. It was quite original back in it's day, before every other fantasy whore wrote the same things over and over.
one bright spot for episode 2... supposedly jar jar is being killed off in one of the first scenes... they had planned to keep him in the whole movie... but all the complaints led lucas to kill him off after all.