O/T: the worst hangover ever


All of my internet friends (you guys who read this shit) know I used to party like a lunatic but decided to slow down and channel my energy and focus on my "career." Well, I went to the Anthrax show and had a few coldies and had a good time, so I decided to have some friends over this week after the Living Colour show to party. Low and behold, we drank for over 24 straight hours (no sleep) and pretty much drank ourselves sober! It's been two days, and I can tell you, all things aren't yet right. This may have been the party that scares me sober. How did we wind up drinking that long? Well, we started after the show, and drank until the bars closed. Then we came to my pad and swam and chilled out until 6am, when the Ohio bars open back up. At 6, we were back at the bars playing pool and drinking beers. We did that until about 5, and then came back (via taxi) to my house and just sat on patio listening to the radio, and pretty soon it was dark again and I was like "what in the hell is wrong with us???" Some other friends were in town at a brand new bar, so we cleaned up, and went there until 10 or so, then sat on the patio again until 2am, and I just finally colapsed. It hurts to walk, and as soon as set foot in the sunlight, beer sweat begins pouring out of me like a waterfall. I think I'm going to find a new hobby like church or something! Peace out.
the worst hangover ever was when I mixed 2 different beer kinds: Labatt's Blue and Guiness... I drank 6 Blue's and 5 Guinesses in no particular order in the course of a party .. .lemme tell ya, I didn't remember it but my friends thought on couple of occasions that I died in my sleep that's how fucked up I looked. And the morning after was, well, as if all the fuckin' floodgates have been opened - headaches, vomiting, shitting and not being able to eat anything for an entire day... my point is never ever mix Guiness with lesser (non-black) beers.
mrthrax said:
that is pretty fucking cool,i have only ever drank myself sober twice in my drinking career,its a weird feeling alright!!!

It is definitely a wierd feeling - you are sort of on a plateau, but you need more and more beer to sustain it, yet you don't act all stupid. If you weren't with us and didn't we were up partying that long, you'd have swore we just started drinking. What was funny was a couple of guys went home, slept for 10 hours, and then came back and they were like "you guys are still up, that's nuts." After a while it was like a contest, to see who could out last who. It was down to me and my alcoholic buddy. I didn't figure I had a chance to out do him, but eventually he keeled over, and then my other friends came back over and we had a "drunken Ty, press conference" With "We are the Champions' playing in the background and a victory cigar in my mouth, I gave a nice play by play and a nice victory speech about choosing your goals and going for 'em. I took a nice 20 mile bike ride today to try and get back in the groove. I'm sloooowly getting back in shape, but I this could be a full week recovery hangover.
Man I do that every other weekend. However I can feel it taking its toll on me so I figure its time to cut way back or I will be doomed to drunken ramblings like that Phil idiot. Or worse yet going to stupid fuckin meetings with people with no will power. Scott was right. Even When you play in minor league bands ( small shows, bars and parties) musicians are still over paid alcholics. ( or pot heads).
I used to party ALOT and rarely got hangovers, but now, it's just caught up with me. If you're still having fun and it doesn't effect your work or personal life, I say PARTY. But if you are feeling the ill effects of partydom, then it is time to slow down. The last two times I saw Phil he was struggling just to stand up, and it wasn't any stage act - he is gonna not wake up one of these mornings after a night of debauchery.
i love a drink just as much as the next person but i am more a weekend drinker,i might have the occasional couple thru the week after work but i dont see the sense of hitting it thru the week,i start work at 5am everyday now so that wouldnt help the cause anyway,good news is i have this weekend off so its time to party.
TD said:
I think I'm going to find a new hobby like church or something! Peace out.

And that would be the thing that would kill me.........

I quit my drunken madness a while back, not for fear of dying - my tolerance level for hard drinks finally scared me shitless. I would be ordering 4 more shots of Jager, and my buds would be on their 2nd.
It was fun for a while, being Mr. Badass Liquor Drinker and such butppl were getting fitshased and I was driving them home! When you drink that much smirinoff and YOU are the Designated at the end of the night you gotta look in the mirror and say, "That just aint natural". Thankfully, fatherhood was right around the corner.

ahh, the luck 'o the Irish.
my mate cracks me up everytime he says but it probably has some thruth to it lol.

"the best place to get a root on sunday morning is out front of the church"

i actually had to go to church for a christening last week,thank god the walls didnt cave in on all of us,we even had to sit thru there normal church service ahhhhhh,it was worth it though the chick playing the violin had the best set of tits i had ever seen,they wre the ones like ski slopes!
Gregadeth: the scariest part is that I hardly ever go out and get one drink, let alone a case or two, anymore, but I still was able to go on a 2 day bender! Yikes. Katie Couric interviewed Billy Joel last week and asked him if he was an alcoholic. His response was good: "I'm not an alcoholic, those guys need to drink every day, but I am an alcohol abuser."
The only times I've had some serious fuggin hangovers is when I drink the harsh shit, like Pabst. Not that harsh is bad, I love Pabst, but it gives me hell, for some reason. Thank god that when I head out, they usually have some High Life (that shit's liquid gold, yo) or Leinies...
I never go out for just one drink. It just doesn't make any sense to me. I party'ed my ass off in cleveland when I was there. I'll plead that 5th as to what we did, but we partied like Motley Crue did in '85. I wasn't really prepared for it. Ask Justin, Charlie, or Scott when they saw me backstage at the Agora. Tonight was my mom's friend's birthday and me and my girlfriend drank 4 bottles of bordeauzx together. I feel like a million bucks tonight.
All of my internet friends (you guys who read this shit) know I used to party like a lunatic but decided to slow down and channel my energy and focus on my "career." Well, I went to the Anthrax show and had a few coldies and had a good time, so I decided to have some friends over this week after the Living Colour show to party. Low and behold, we drank for over 24 straight hours (no sleep) and pretty much drank ourselves sober! It's been two days, and I can tell you, all things aren't yet right. This may have been the party that scares me sober. How did we wind up drinking that long? Well, we started after the show, and drank until the bars closed. Then we came to my pad and swam and chilled out until 6am, when the Ohio bars open back up. At 6, we were back at the bars playing pool and drinking beers. We did that until about 5, and then came back (via taxi) to my house and just sat on patio listening to the radio, and pretty soon it was dark again and I was like "what in the hell is wrong with us???" Some other friends were in town at a brand new bar, so we cleaned up, and went there until 10 or so, then sat on the patio again until 2am, and I just finally colapsed. It hurts to walk, and as soon as set foot in the sunlight, beer sweat begins pouring out of me like a waterfall. I think I'm going to find a new hobby like church or something! Peace out.

LOL!!! Just saw this......I wonder what ever happened to TD. He was kind of a wanker, but always had such outrageous stuff to say. Anyone think he overdosed finally?