Star Wars Ep 3 - tying stuff together (spoilers ahoy)


I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Spoilers in this thread, like.

I saw this today. Quite good, but a bit dull here and there.

So, what bits were tied together and stuff? What I noticed (and can remember):

* Chancellor Palpy said that Darth Plagus (sp?) could create life and stuff, so one would imagine that it was Palpy who created Anakin, hence the whole immaculate conception thing.

* Only C3PO's memory is wiped.

* Qui-Gon can talk to people as a ghost, which is how Obi-Wan can do it after he croaks. Did Qui-Gon disappear when he died in Phantom Menace? I can't remember, but that would explain why Obi-Wan is the only one who loses his body.

* Darth isn't really evil, just very, very naive and easily fooled. As Adrian Smith once sang, "I'm not a bad man, I'm just misunderstood". But then Adrian didn't also kill all those people.

* Yoda and Chewie know each other, but as their paths don't cross in the next three films we don't have to worry about saying, "Why don't Yoda and Chewie acknowledge each other??".

* Yoda exiles himself.

* Obi-Wan stays on Tatooine to watch over Luke.

* The Emperor isn't as old as he looks.

Anything else I'm forgetting?
Oh yeah: Obi-Wan picks up Vader's lightsaber after their battle, so he has it to give to Luke in Episode IV. I would also hesitate to conclude that Vader isn't evil. He is naive and foolish, but that doesn't mean he's not evil. He does walk into a room full of children and slaughter them all, don't forget. Someone who's only easily led probably wouldn't have done that.
Qui-Gon's body didnt dissapear but when Obi-Wan and Yoda die, both of theirs do. You don't see Vader's body again after he says "Tell your sister you were right about me" and dies (at least the flesh bits) so dunno if they dissapear or not...Luke could just be burning his suit later.

Isn't it a bit silly...when they say "The children must be taken away where they cannot be found" Yet Yoda tells Obi-Wan to take Luke to Tatooine to be with his family? If Vader was keen to find them...wouldn't that be the first place he looked? Considering he's from there and knows that he has family there?

I really enjoyed the film, moreso the second time I saw it, but there were still some bits that kinda shit me a little. All of the lovey dovey scenes were really dodgy. And although it was cool to see Chewie...there was really no need for him to be there and I think was most likely just a move by Lucas to sell more action figures.

I'm surprised there wasn't a passing mention or appearance of a young Han Solo.

Thought it was a great movie though. Much better than Ep1 and Ep2. The last scene with Owen and Beru standing with the infant Luke looking at the suns set with the music, mirroring the scene with Luke in Ep4 was just fantastic!
Yes Brian, my old friend, I know about the previous thread - I posted in it - but this thread is specifically about all the bits and pieces that reference the other films, hence the spoiler warnings and such. :)
How does Vader know later on that luke is his son then?

But I suppose...when he senses that Luke is thinking about Leia doesn't Vader say..."Your feelings betray you...feelings you have a sister? Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me" Or something like that?
I really liked the way the film was made to tie in with the others so damn well and explain a few things.

One of the only things I never understood in the original trilogy is why Obi-Wan lets Vader kill him, but that is now explained, with the whole 'learning how to communicate from the afterlife' thing. Also, that explains Qui-Gon's scream to Anakin in AOTC.

I agree that there was no need to Chewey to be in ROTS. Maybe it was to show that he was one of the races' greatest warriors or something. I dunno.

I didn't notice Obi-Wan pick up Vader's light sabre, that is cool.

Another thing I liked, is how the story line of Anakin mirrors that of Luke, so now when you watch the series as a whole, you will see the exact same things happen to Luke as they did to Anakin, but he doesn't choose the wrong path in the end, like Anakin did. Also, Luke was the main character of the original trilogy, but now that has been shifted and Anakin/Vader is the main character, and EVENTUALLY, he does restore balance to the force, by killing the greatest Sith of all. It just takes longer than Obi-Wan had hoped.

I think it is interesting that in TPM, Yoda says Anakin is too old to start the training, and he says the same thing of Luke, who is probably twice the age Anakin was, but trains him anyway. I guess he feels the Luke may be the last hope.

Also interesting, the irony that Anakin gets the vision of Padme dying, which is what turns him to the dark side, but it was the fact that he turned to the dark side that killed her. If he had never seen the vision, he would have never turned, and she would not have died. Also, he wanted to learn great power, but it was Obi-Wan and Yoda that go on to learn the power of communicating from the after life, so if he had stayed with them, he would have been better off.

I liked how Yoda got the better of Palpatine in their battle, its just that he wasn't able to finish him off. The same with Mace Windu. He is refered to as the greatest warrior, so it was good to see him be able to take on Palpatine.

The other main point, is that the technology used to keep Vader alive was the same as what was being used in General Greivous. I guessed this from the start when he was coughing and stuff, and bit strange for a normal droid to do. It was cool that they didn't really explain that, just that Obi-Wan kinda took a look at his remains.
The whole coughing thing is from the Clone Wars cartoon series which bridges the gap between AOTC and ROTS. I haven't seen it though.
Yeah I have been told about how the cartoon goes in between (though I don't know anything else about it really), and that it is actually really good and I could/should have watched it before ROTS. I didn't want to watch it before the film though, but would give it a go now.
Blitzkrieg said:
I agree that there was no need to Chewey to be in ROTS. Maybe it was to show that he was one of the races' greatest warriors or something. I dunno.
I was talking with my brother today and we came up with one theory about the inclusion of Chewey. In Return Of The Jedi, Jabba refers to him as 'the mighty Chewbacca', like he has a reputation of being a great warrior. He wouldn't likely have gotten this reputation from just being Han's sidekick bounty hunter buddy, so I guess he would have to have been a great wookie warrior or something at some stage, and his inclusion in ROTS shows this.