o/t: Stupid fucking people who should listen to Bob Barker


Imported Killer
People who don't spay/neuter their pets (let alone vaccinate) and let them go on inbreeding and filling up the neighborhood with, essentially, stray cats piss me off.

This adorable cat pictured below has been sick, I have noticed. I pulled a tick out of him today. I am writing a letter to the owner, but I doubt she gives a shit.


I adopted my cat from these people, but that still doesn't excuse their pathetic treatment of their animals. (The mother cat has had another litter since my cat was born. I have also seen her brother and sister mating, so I bet something will come from that eventually. My cat was lucky to get out.)

Maybe I should call the A-Team.

Oh and don't mind me, I am just venting. The picture is cool, at least.

I totally agree. Not good pet owners. My mother grabs strays when she sees them and gets them spayed/neutered them puts them back outside once they are healed.
we adopted a cat from a house across the road, my parents new the old guy for years and he always said to look after the cat when he passed on,the cat is 16+ years old and still fighting fit lol.
jdelpi said:
People who don't spay/neuter their pets (let alone vaccinate) and let them go on inbreeding and filling up the neighborhood with, essentially, stray cats piss me off.

I agree totally. A a couple who lived near my old folks had their house filled with cats and when you walked by it stank of urin. They were actually able to sell the house and they left a female and two kittens living in my parents and the neighbours yards. They called the owners about the cats and she promised to look for them and take them with her. I was there when she came by... the cagemonkey just drove through the block, never left the car, great way to find the cats. A mongoloid chimp would do it better.

The neigbours and my parents catched the cats themselves and gave them away to some people who runs a farm, at least there the cats have someone who cares for them.
Ah my adopted cat is actually me ex's cat - he is 13 years old ... and his name is Eddie.
He is the most evil satanic bastard on the planet and man I love that cat.
He was given the chop as a kitten, perhaps that would explain his real cranky asshole attitude and how he thinks He is the centre of the universe!
my aunt gets strays from all over, we've got one cat that was being abused, one kitten from a barn that prolly wasnt gonna make it, was sick as hell. she took my antibiotics i still needed and gave them to the cat in milk. she picked up another stray about 4 months ago, it just had 4 kittens. my aunt had 8 stray cats. i told her 8 cats is too many, she don't seem to think so. o yeah the other was a stray from the same barn as the sick one.
My family adopted two cats long ago.
The cats are quite cool in dumping you (unlike dogs) when you don´t give a shit about them. They just go to somebody else who treats them better.
The even bigger problem is that some humans should be spayed or neutered. I'm sick of low-life dirtbags breeding like rats, crapping out multiple kids from multiple partners, and then not taking care of the offspring. Then my tax dollars have to pay to raise their kids.

Some people think it's okay to have 6 or 7 kids from 3 or 4 sexual partners and let my tax dollars pay for feeding them. No offense to anyone on welfare (one of my best friends was), but JEEBUS! Don't abuse the system.
Jono said:
lol i thought the cat had been shot with an arrow!
anyway yeah i agree. the best way to handle it is catch then and have them fixed and set them free. naturally if you take one off the street some other cat comes in and eats the extra food.
I thought it was an arrow too. I adopted two kittens last year that came spade and neutered but they got sick and died shortly after bringing them home from Animal Control. one died on top of me while it was sleeping :(
ThraxDude said:
The even bigger problem is that some humans should be spayed or neutered. I'm sick of low-life dirtbags breeding like rats, crapping out multiple kids from multiple partners, and then not taking care of the offspring. Then my tax dollars have to pay to raise their kids.

Some people think it's okay to have 6 or 7 kids from 3 or 4 sexual partners and let my tax dollars pay for feeding them. No offense to anyone on welfare (one of my best friends was), but JEEBUS! Don't abuse the system.

amen to that.

Cletus: Hey, Brandine! You might could wear these to your job interview.
Brandine: And scuff up the topless dancin' runway? Naw, you best brang 'em back where from you got 'em.
Skorned1 said:

I totally agree. Not good pet owners. My mother grabs strays when she sees them and gets them spayed/neutered them puts them back outside once they are healed.

Shame she didn't fix her own baby maker before spawning you.
Agh, there are no lifeguards in the gene pool.
GregadetH said:
Wow. Nine replies posted before a personal attack. ZT(D) must be slipping in his old age. :)
Well, I was gonna mention your momma, but being a good democrat, I thought I'd leave welfare recipients out, because I am a fan of LBJ's Great Society.
ZTPioneer said:
Well, I was gonna mention your momma, but being a good democrat, I thought I'd leave welfare recipients out, because I am a fan of LBJ's Great Society.

Nah, my momma is 61 and still continues to help run our families small chain of 8 grocery stores. However, those welfare people you describe do shop there and the revenues made from their "purchases" adds to the bottom line like everyone elses.

Wasn't LBJ a crossdresser?:yuk:

I'm not getting into pissing matches with you anymore, I just thought it was funny that you didn't attack her immediatley like you always do. Must've been out of the house for a while huh? :Spin:
ZTPioneer said:
Shame she didn't fix her own baby maker before spawning you.
Agh, there are no lifeguards in the gene pool.

Yea, and you're mom is such a winner to have spawned you. She must be so proud.

I know, I know..."I'm the greatest, I'm the best at everything, I'm the martyr, blah, blah, blah...all on a hundred calories a day...blah, blah, blah"

At least my mother tought me enough sense not to ever let someone like you around my precious child. And I still weigh about a hundred lbs. less than you at the same height. :D
ThraxDude said:
The even bigger problem is that some humans should be spayed or neutered. I'm sick of low-life dirtbags breeding like rats, crapping out multiple kids from multiple partners, and then not taking care of the offspring. Then my tax dollars have to pay to raise their kids.

Some people think it's okay to have 6 or 7 kids from 3 or 4 sexual partners and let my tax dollars pay for feeding them. No offense to anyone on welfare (one of my best friends was), but JEEBUS! Don't abuse the system.

Make Room, make room, for the hand of doom!
Should sold it to a chinese restaraunt....that way u get money in your pocket and know the animals gonna be looked after well...they will feed it and make it happy...and then 15 minutes until someone orders chicken chow mein....then its a quick painless death for kitty