O/T That new Superman movie...


Mar 13, 2002
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I took lil man to see it and all I can say is that there are only so many ways to polish a turd! Gregory is 7 years old, all about Superman (& Justice League Unlimited:headbang: ) and even he hated it!

The plot gets so thin I wouldn't sneeze in the theatre for fear of blowing it apart. Half the movie just looks fake and the other half feels like 60's - 70's camp cheesiness.

The sneak peek at Spider-Man 3 was the f'n bomb. Even with Topher Grace as Eddie Brock. :erk:
I thought it was o'kay, that's all. When the Superman theme started playing, that gave me the chills, but otherwise...meh. The movie was kinda on the long side too.

Of course, I was preoccupied the whole movie cuz the kid who plays Lois' son looks exactly like my nephew. It was kinda weird.
Yeah but you hate everything Greg

New Spidey trailer looks good, looks like they are doing it right with the black costume and how spidey had it first.
I have no desire to see the movie at all. The guy playing Superman looks to young for a character who is supposed to be "returning" back to Metropolis after being gone many years.
I liked it. Kevin Spacey did a great job, there is a lot of good humor, and some of the rescue scenes are intense. If anything it could have "maybe" used a little bit more Superhero and less Lois Lane, but what else is new.
fuelee2004 said:
Well probably not everything but i think i saw you bashing Maiden on Blabbermouth too

That would be an impostor then. I don't post on blabbermouth and I happen to beleive that Maiden rules.

Superman Returns was still gay though.
I thought it was cool ... but I just felt it wasn't grand enough. It always felt like it was filmed in Australia (which is was) ... can't explain it. Where it should've been grand it felt underwhelming.

Not a disaster but I felt it could've been more.

It just dragged on too much in the end and never really resolved anything about this love triangle between Supes, Lois and Cyclops... I mean Lois partner.

Spacey nailed Luthor I felt though - though I still prefer Kidder as Lois to Bosworth who was annoying.

Routh fitted perfectly in for Reeve.

Best actor though was Brando. Even from the grave that guy rules!
It was typical Superman movie. The guy could not have played closer to Reeves. Superman is about the love man... not a hero built from hate or anger as we are used to today. Some of the effects were cheese ( I am pretty sure intentionaly so) and some were prettty current. All in all a good time for the $. Made me feel like a kid more than once.

The silly inconsistency for me, was that when Supes went to Luthors new Island he didn't notice physically there was kryponite around. Just doesn't add up. I mean surely he would've started to feel its affects straight away???

The plane sequence was pretty specatucalar actually. Probably the best scene in the whole film.
aliasp said:

The plane sequence was pretty specatucalar actually. Probably the best scene in the whole film.
Couldn't agree more! What a landing!:worship:
i herd the superman movie was gonna suck so i didnt go see it. im looking forward to clercks 2: the passion of the clercks.
Just saw Superman today. It was OK I guess but I just couldn't get into the guy playing Superman. He did remind me a lot of Reeves but I wasn't a big fan of him being cast as Superman either.