O/T The cover song thread..the good, the bad and the fuckin' ugly!

fuelee2004 said:
Fred Durst again!! Lets not forget that cover of 'Bring The Noise' he did with the guy from Staind. Really Really Bad!!!!! Looks like we gotta kick him again when hes down Old School!!!! :tickled:

I dont mind that cover of 'Behind Blue Eyes', never heard the original though.
Havent heard that one gonna have to put on the ol` steel toes for that one
muffytheVampirelayer said:
The Good---Tori Amos doing Slayers Raining Blood, Johnny Cash doing Danzigs 13, Anthrax doing the Polices' Next To You, andThe Ramones, Were a Happy Family, and AC/DC Walk all Over you, and the Blue Man Group doing an awsome rendition of The Whos Baba O'Reiley

The Bad---Rob Zombie doing (actually butchering) Blitzkreig Bop

The Ugly---The Misfits entire Project 1950 Album
Tori Amos doing Raining Blood--I must hear this!

I was gonna say Slayer/Ice T doing Disorder, Metallica-Whiskey in the Jar--I know it's "poppy" but i like that tune. Overkill doing Frankenstein by Edgar Winter.

The bad--I'm not sure. Maybe anything Pat Boone covered! :tickled:
i liked Slayers cover of "In A Gadda Da Vida". Wrathchild America's cover of PF "Time",Infectious Grooves doing "Immigrant Song" & "Fame" Souls At Zero covering Bad Brains? "I Against I" i think its Bad Brains anyways
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Im sorry I should have offered to send it to you too. Have you listened to it yet.
Thanks. i got it.

It's excellent. She did always have a nice voice although I never like Cornflake girl. Hearing Raining Blood with Piano Music and ultra-slow is wild. I'm going to listen to it again over the weekend. Yesterday at work, was hard to listen too loudly. i need the full effect!