The good, the bad and the ugly of my first Powerfest!


Jose Saladbar
Feb 12, 2007
Elgin, IL
Ok so now that all the toxins are out of my body I can post here.
I’m not gonna kiss anyone’s ass, and I don’t care if I sound cheesy but Powerfest was one of the best times I’ve ever had in my life!
It felt so good to be a Metalhead and to party it up with everyone.
So here it is:
-Saturday night’s show was awesome!
-Benedictum stole the show IMO. Veronica had great stage presence, she sounded very good and the band was very solid.
-The only band I wasn’t familiar with was Suspyre and these guys were incredible, definitely the surprise of the night (for me at least), even if I did give the bass player crap after the show for using a pick. But then again I wasn’t playing as good as him when I was 19.
-I met a lot of people from this forum and from myspace, I’m sorry that I couldn’t chat with everyone as much as I would of wanted to but hopefully we can meet again at a Bavmorda show (cheap plug!).
-For some reason, when Solitude Aeturnus was playing, my singer and my drummer went to the side of the bar on that little stage thing and started to do all kinds of aerobic/dance/goofy shit on there and they actually had a crowd gathered watching them instead of the band! WTF? F*cking short hairs!
-The after parties for both nights at Rachel’s room (Shadow Lioness) were awesome.
- November’s Doom, I only had the new album going into the show but I have to say that you guys impressed the hell out of me, you guys were so good. I will be picking up the rest of your catalog and I will definitely be checking you guys live soon. You have a new fan in me, and I’m a loyal bitch!

-5 seconds after I arrived at the venue I went to the bar, ordered a Heineken and was told that they DID NOT have any. I wanted to shoot someone as I am very picky of my beer (unless it’s free) and I don’t care what you think. So I decided to drink Guinness instead.
-The security guards were assholes, I saw them give some people a hard time for the dummest things.
-When Shattered Messiah opened the show the sound was horrible, there was all this bass in the mix, it had nothing to do with the band but more with the PA, I know it takes a few songs into it to get good sound but it didn’t really clear up until halfway though Suspyre’s set.
-The bartenders sucked, at one point it took up to 15 minutes to get a beer (which wasn’t a Heineken might I add). Except for the girl at the bar in the back, she was cool.
-Here’s the worst one, on the second night after November’s Doom got done playing I went to get another Guinness and guess what?….they ran out of Guinness! No Heineken and no Guinness. :waah: That totally killed my night, after that I left for JJ Kelly’s, yeah I didn’t get to see Atheist like I wanted and I already got enough crap from a lot of people about it so save it!
- All the bad stuff was mainly the venues fault, it had nothing to do with the people that were there or the staff.

I just have to mention this for the humor, so I’m partying it up in the hallway at the hotel Saturday night with everyone when all of a sudden I turn to the right and next to me is the bass player of Saturnus…..WITH NO PANTS ON!!! :hypno:




Luckily he was wearing underwear (Thank god!)

Once again, the night was an amazingly good time, Rob and Chris, you guys did an awesome job, I cannot stress the fact that I felt so proud to be a metalhead, when I came back to the hotel after the Winterkill show and saw at least 50 people in the hallway on the 3rd floor, I knew the weekend was worth every penny.

I cannot wait ‘till next year.
Haha dude, did you hear me getting pissed off at the hotel key for not working? "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING CREDIT CARD REJECT PLASTIC PIECE OF SHIT!"

I was probably sleeping during that part, I just remember waking up to someone beating the crap out of my door.